Procrastination On My Neck

Legend has it that we all have our various strengths and weaknesses, which means everyone of us is still struggling or might have gotten over his or her weaknesses. Your weakness could be in your character, behavior, or mentality. One of my trademarks is that I tend to do things on deadline days.

With my little experiences and observations thus far in life, I can confidently tell you that procrastination is one of the greatest killers of productivity. Personally, I have missed out on quality opportunities and achievements because I procrastinated when I wasn't supposed to.

Procrastination in simple terms refers to the habit of postponing or delaying to perform a particular task, usually because the tasks seems complex or you are not very interested in it. In some cases, the tasks on ground are not really complex but I prefer to wait till it's deadline day before I engage on them.

Back then in school, one of my constant new semester's resolution was that "I would start reading my books from the beginning of the semester". But in every semester I fail to keep to my words, I would rather wait until we are told that we would be having test or exam the next day before I become serious.

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At first I thought procrastination was a normal phenomenon that every human faces, until I discovered that it was a personal challenge which I must have to overcome if I desire effective growth in my life. Procrastination has dealt with me alot and I have learned my lessons the hard way.

During my 3rd year in school we had a very tough computer course called Assembly Language. That course was a 4 unit course which means if I could get a good grade in the course it would surely boost my CGPA. But as usual, I waited for the deadline day to exams before opening my book to study for the paper, lol.

That exam was one of the worst exams I had ever written because I was awake all through the past night trying to understand what I was taught throughout the semester but to no avail. I have been a victim of procrastination too many times and every single time I ended up regretting and wishing I had made better preparations earlier.

This weakness had continued for a while but by the grace of God I am currently putting this weakness in check. I have read some books about how to deal with procrastination, and I have equally watch some video clips about it.

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One of the major ways in which am currently handling this issue if procrastination is to make a "to-do list" of what I would be doing the next day. I have equally learned to discipline myself to stick accordingly to what I have planned for the day, and so far it has been working perfectly fine for me. In fact, writing this article at this time was part of my to-do list for the today and am glad I was disciplined enough to finish it and move to the next take on my list.

I can't completely say I have gotten over this weakness of mine, but I would continue to try until procrastination is no longer a part of me. I hope to get more guidance on how to continue staying disciplined as well.

I appreciate your time around here❤️:-)

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