How Would Sophia Fight For Her Country

Hello Friends,

Sophia is the imaginary name I tend to give any robot or AI that is designed to look or behave like a human. Big respect to the inventors and programmers of our time, but I think some of these guys are taking their jobs too personal and serious.

It all started with Cameramen losing their jobs on taking pictures from aircrafts, because of the invention of drones. Now I hear that some restaurants have implemented the use of robots in taking orders, serving of foods and drinks as well.

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While in the military, I went on to study programming and computer science in school, and one of my major area of specialization was in the field of advanced technology. Robots and AI are the leading forms of technology in our world today, and they are being used everyday to solve problems.

Infact, some hospital managements have agreed that they do no longer need the services of a trained surgeon in their hospitals, because they believe a robot would have a 99% accuracy rate in performing surgical operations than humans.

But can robots completely replace the humans in every aspect of life? I don't think so. Robots are originally designed to assist us, and not to replace us. Infact, virtually every robotic operation would require the intervention of a human for a complete success.

Like in the case of my job (military service), we would always require the use of robots in advanced wars and battles. Because it's very obvious that the war leading nations of the world, have adopted the use of nuclear weapons that are majorly controlled by AI and robotics.

As military personnels, we are actually the brain behind every action we would take to either attack or defend ourselves from our enemies. Robotic interventions might come into play, but it would only serve as assistance to our hard work.

With the help of this robotics, missiles can be sent to a location within seconds and the impact would be felt. Talking about feelings, it's important to point out that these robots do not have emotions, as such they wouldn't know how and when to act or react to things by themselves.

So let me imagine for a second that robots were able to take my job as a military personnel, how would they know that the Northeast part of my country is at war, and how would they win a battle they are not patriotic and emotionally attached to.

Fighting and winning a battle doesn't only require weapons and skills, but it requires more of morals, determinations, and pain. Robots do not have the emotional capability to replace humans here in the military.

Most of these robots are programmed to perform only some specific tasks, and anything outside that program won't work with the robot. For instance, some robots are designed only to detect bombs from far distances, that are being planted on the ground. While other robots could only be used to remove or disconnect bombs planted from the ground.

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In most cases, the robots would only assist us by giving us signals and alert messages. It would be left for us to act and do what's necessary to save ourselves and our nation.

So in conclusion, I would say robots are very important, but not as important as humans. Because we are usually more creative and emotional than these objects operating by a set of written codes.

Yes, robots can be very good tools for assisting humans, but I strongly believe every robotic operation still requires the intervention of a human. They are some major jobs robots can't do, and one of them is to independently fighting for your nation. Hence my title, how can Sophia fight for her nation.

Thanks for your time here.

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