A Message For My Children

We keep hearing this quote "Children are the leaders of tomorrow" but many do not even realize that this is more than just an ordinary quote. No wonder the saying, "If you want to destroy tomorrow, plant a seed of violence in the young ones of today."

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As a child that grew up in Nigeria, I was told so many lies about life and those lies are still affecting many of us in this country. One of such lies they told us while growing up was that "Going to school is the only key to success". But growing up, I realized that most of us were not given the correct information by our elders who had lived this life before us.

They were many misconceptions on some of the values and guidance passed down to us by the former generations, and this has affected our generation alot. But moving forward, I would try to pass a better lesson and value to the next generation of youths in my country. And some of the lessons I wish to pass on to the next generation includes:

Attract Money, Don't Chase Money

This statement might not make sense to you, but I can assure you that more than 70% of the problem facing society today can be traced to excessive love for money by the youths. We were told that the more money you chase is the more money you get, and the more money you get is the more respect you get.

And that's why in my generation, even a boy of 16 year old is angry that he hasn't bought a car yet. We were not taught how to attract money, we were only taught how to chase money, and that's why we no longer care how the money is made, the most important thing is to just make it.

Sometimes when I see or hear the things the people of my generation do for money, it breaks my heart. Imagine the rate of fraudulent activities in the country by the youths, and now they have even added rituals and killings. In those days we only see human rituals in movies, but today, a huge number of people are into it just to make the money.

If I was opportuned to pass a lesson to the next generation, I would tell them to build up themselves and be valuable by learning as many skills as possible (both online and offline). Because the more skills they possess is the more valuable they become, and the more valuable they become is the more money they attract (they shouldn't chase money).

  • Note: Whatever you chase is far from you, but whatever you attract would forever remain yours..
Entrepreneurship Goes Better With Education

I wish this issue of education being the only way to success needs to be corrected, because many people are getting it wrong in this generation. In the past, education might have been the key to a successful and satisfying life, but things are no longer the way it used to be in the past. Infact the governments of my country have changed the padlock.

Nowadays people sell their lands and properties just to train themselves or their children to higher institutions, but after graduating they end up realizing no jobs was waiting for them in the first place. The earlier we learn to do things the right way, the better for us as a nation.

I would advise the next generation to do this the right way because most of the people in my generation were not guided properly. Entrepreneurship is the ability to create your own businesses or firm and to equally manage it with the education you got from school.

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To the next generation, I would advise you to become entrepreneurs rather than job seekers, because the government isn't smiling anymore. A better future should be in your hands, don't give it to others.

Possess The Spirit of Resilience

Nigerians are facing one of the worst economical crises in the world today, and it is evident in the value of our currency to other nation's currency. 1 US Dollar to Nigeria Naira is about 1500, the prices of fuel and foodstuffs are on the rise daily, the rate of unemployment very high, the list keeps going on and on. But do you know that Nigerians are among the happiest people on planet Earth?

The spirit of resilience among the entire people of Nigeria needs to be studied, and that's something I wish to pass on to the next generation. Amidst the crises and hardships, we make ourselves happy in the most weird ways ever, lol.

We generate funny slangs virtually every month and we even make fun of the various problems facing us. This has been one of the best things I admire about my people, as they never give up or let their predicaments bring them down.

With this few points of mine if followed properly, the next generation would dominant and impact their world positively.

I appreciate your time around here❤️:-)

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