When letting go becomes necessary in relationships 

Some relationships indeed help us grow; some bring out the best version of our lives, and some influence our lives negatively. Some can really be tiring. However, despite how important relationships seem to be in human lives, there are times when letting go of people in our lives remains necessary for one reason or another.


Being an extrovert, I have made a good number of friends both virtually and in our physical world. Most times, I don't find it too difficult to connect with friends and, at the same time, I do not mind breaking relationships capable of ruining my life in the long run. In this post, I will tell you one time I let go of a once-good friend, and one time, my uncle had to let go of his romantic partner for a reason.

I will admit that having Chisom as a friend brought some positive changes in my life as a woman. There was a lot I learned from her while the relationship lasted, and till date, I will always remember the impact she made in my life. Things were going well between us until she tried influencing me negatively. I have heard stories of how some ladies control their husbands with extra powers, but what I believe is that your character towards a man can naturally give you what you want in him. This friend of mine called Chisom left her 8-month-old baby in my home one day from morning till night, and all efforts to reach her on the phone proved abortive. It was one hell on earth with that child, but I kept consoling the wailing child for hours.

At night, Chisom returned, and I demanded an explanation of where she went since morning, making her phone unreachable even when she kept her baby for me to take care of. To my greatest chagrin, she complained of how the husband isn't giving her what she wants and decided to visit a place where she can get extra powers to control the man. She went further to say that I need the power too and that I should think about it so she can take me to the same place. Only having the audacity to tell me such a fetish thing was enough for me to let her go. Before then, I tried to change her from such a lifestyle, but instead she tried making me look outdated, like I am far from the latest happening in town. At this point, I knew that keeping her a close friend might sooner or later ruin my life. To me, it was a good reason to let go of such a friend, and I am not regretting my decision on that.


Regarding my uncle with her romantic partner, he had to let go when the lady kept stealing from him despite taking good care of her and her family prior to their marriage. He sponsored her at the university and was still footing lots of bills for the lady's family, and yet she doesn't visit my uncle without stealing huge money from him. All efforts to make her stop such an act didn't work out. It was as if the whole thing is in her blood and out of control! My uncle was afraid of his future children having such a bad trait, and he had to let go of her.

Wrapping up, relationships are one important aspect of human lives, and while their benefits cannot be ruled out, it's also important that we watch out for red signals and know when to let go.

This is my response to the #hivelearners community contest on the topic titled, The Worst Reasons

Images were taken from canva

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