Get To Know Some of My Tricks While Preparing For Exams

The examination is an important aspect of education as the tutors get to access how much the learners understand the given subjects. I have heard some students say that "school is nice but what spoils it is examination", lols, this is funny right? Some students do not want to hear the word "examination" but the truth is that it's inevitable for one to move from one level to another academically. So the best thing to do is to find the best tricks that work out for you while preparing for your examinations.

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During my primary education, I didn't know what it meant to study my books before exams, I will just ensure to attend school daily and on the exam days, I will write and still pass. Maybe because it's just the basic knowledge then but from my secondary school and university days, I developed the culture of preparing adequately for my Exams.

The first trick is studying my books 📚 from the first day of lectures. I am not among the categories of students that study only when the exam is around the corner. I do not like eleventh-hour reading because I wouldn't grab much, rather I might be tensed while rushing to cover my notes. If you look at this point closely, it's even best for every student to avoid having the bulk of notes to read at the same time. If you are always reading while the lectures are ongoing, it makes you more familiar with the schemes and whenever exams come, you will only need to do revision and not start reading afresh. So early learning of my books is my first secret throughout my days at the university and it was so helpful, especially with lots of impromptu quizzes I encountered in school then. Some lecturers believe every student should be ever ready and so they encourage impromptu quizzes all the time.

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Another trick I used was group study. For all the exams I wrote in school then, I never joked about learning in groups because I found it so helpful. It saved the day most times, especially with some courses that proved so difficult to understand while I am studying alone. Two heads indeed are better than one and in my group, we were five bookaholic students, lolz (book conscious), serious and committed students always searching for solutions to any difficult topic, sharing ideas, and knowledge, and in explaining to others and hearing others explain topics too, it gave me a quicker understanding and assimilation of topics. Note: if you are going with this trick, you must be sure to choose serious-minded students to avoid going there to play all in the name of studying your books.

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Aside from the group study, I make sure to visit the library, jot down important points and study them through my handwritten notes. I had some textbooks then but I love making my note more simpler, and I comprehend better reading from my note more than from textbooks, looking at the textbooks alone makes reading so cumbersome for Early-hour reading was another trick I used, by then my system must have relaxed and gotten relief from any stress within the day and reading becomes so easy for me that way, especially with the calm environment at that hour of the day.

In conclusion, we are all different beings and approach some specific tasks differently, so it all boils down to discovering which method of learning works well for you.

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