Greetings Hivers!

In my blog today I'll be responding to the topic for the Weekly Featured Contents;

Week 04:- Edition 02:-


At some point in our lives, we have misunderstood the genuine feelings that comes with love. We have professed love to someone by just saying the mere sentence "I love you" without actually showing it in our actions and this has brought nothing but hurt and heartache to such soul. We all have different perception about the word "Love" but for me Love is a deep affection or care for someone. Being in love entails giving care to the one I love the same way I do for myself. And because "LOVE" keeps no records of "WRONGS"" I give it out intentionally not minding the flaws of the one I'm in love with.


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I am enjoying the magical feeling of love at the moment, this is the one time love I've felt and reciprocated in my entire life and I must confess that the feeling has put lots of butterflies in my belly🥰


Sometimes I begin to wonder how I just had to date back then in my university days due to pressure from my friends.

"So as you fine reach, you no get boyfriend" in Wumi's voice hahaha!

I never felt a thing for this guy but I just had to date him probably out of pity because he asked for it countless times. it felt like if I had shunned him he will kill himself. Long story short, the relationship never lasted, the vibes were not coming from me more like a one sided relationship and it was just okay to end it.


Ever since those times, I've been "SINGLE LIKE A PRINGLE" waiting to find someone's son to truly love. It happened when it happened just like magic. I fell in love with this guy and the funny thing is he didn't even use too much energy to ask me to be his girlfriend, everything played out naturally. It's been an amazing journey with him and I have come to realize that love is enjoyed when the vibes comes from both parties. It can never be sweet if it's one sided.


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I have come to realize that "love makes fool of everyone" if you've never being played by love then you might not truly be in love.
Back then in university days, I could remember beating my chest and telling my friends that I could not do this and that for love but it's just so surprising and unbelievable how I find myself doing those things😅


He has become my top priority all for love's sake, most times I feel it in my conscience but I just wave it off and just say "I do it because I love him" I have gone out of my own way most times just to prove my love for him. I'm always available whenever he calls for my help in kitchen duties cus he's really a bad cook. I spend most weekends with him at his place like the sleeping over thing that I vowed never to do for the one I'll love back then in school. I saw these things as a desperate thing to do but now I can't just help it. lol


I've been a motivator of his dreams. Anything I can do to make his dreams come true I just do it without hesitation. I have accommodated his excesses and come to love him for whom he is.
That's how much I love him💞

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Though I love him very much, there are things that I can never do no matter how much I am charmed with his love.

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I cannot fight my fellow woman for him

If someday it gets to the bitter part of him cheating on me with another woman, I'll never stoop so low to fight or confront the woman because it's his choice to be with the one he wants to be with. As heartbroken as it may be, I'll keep my heads up, dust off and walk away. I've got some ego you know?

I can neither kill nor die for love

I cannot kill any intruder for the sake of my love for him. I watch these scenes most times in Nigerian movies where a lady kills her best friend or any other lady all for love and I just see it as an unwise thing to do. Soiling my hand with another person's blood just for love? NO WAY! And as for killing myself all because he's not reciprocating the love I show to him, I won't dare! I will eventually find someone who will love me someday right? Drinking sniper or hanging myself on the fan is not ideal at all.

I can never have a blood covenant with him

HELL NO! Tomorrow is pregnant. Anything can drift my love for him tomorrow. I wouldn't want to run mad just because of some stupid blood oath I took with him. Yes! What will be, will be and it's just okay to allow things to flow naturally without engaging in such regrettable act.

I can't put my personal goals to a stop for him.

I hear stories of some ladies who have sacrifice their personal goals for the man they love. it's very unbelievable because any man who allows a woman to do that for him is very selfish. If he doesn't support my dreams, then he doesn't love me and this alone can make me take to my heels when I realize that. I cannot be drunk in love and fall inside dirty gutter oo! 🙄

I can't take sides with him when he's wrong

The truth is bitter they say! But how can he be a better person if I don't point out the wrong things he did while associating with the people around him. I can loud his wrongs to him without being partial. I want him to be the best you know?

I cannot get pregnant for him just to keep him

This is pure desperation. Men always come up with this trick of a lady getting pregnant for them to prove their love. I see this as a stupid way of proving my love for my man because I might be abandoned after all the drama. If he wants me to to keep him, he can go ahead and marry me, not so?

These are the things I cannot do all for my love for him. I love him dearly, setting a boundary is also very necessary for my sanity.


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