Wealth Cap: A Fair World?

Money they say is the root of all evil and I totally agree with that. Money can make or break you in so many ways. I’ve seen how people have lost good relationships all because of money and I’ve seen how others have been able to create long lasting bonds also out of money. If you ask me, I’d say money reveals an individuals true character because most change into something else when they get money.

It’s more than obvious that all of us are not equal and will never be. Even our fingers are not equal and that alone should tell us that there are stages to everything in this life. When it comes to wealth, beauty and many more, there’s always those at the top of the chain, those in the middle and those at the bottom. Speaking about wealth, not everyone was born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Some people were born with silver spoons and bowls and for them, no one can blame them for being rich cos they were born into it.

Then we have those who were born in low or average homes and had to work their way up to the top. Everyone’s story is different and there’s no way we can all have the same story no matter how hard we try. In this life , they say there’s no food for the lazy man but funny enough there are so many lazy people out there having more than enough to eat. There are also people out there working day and night to make it in life but at the end of the day, I guess they were destined to be in the middle or low class.

Personally, I don’t really think there should be a cap on how much a person should earn. I understand that we all want a world that is free of poverty and suffering and that is totally achievable but a world where everyone is equal is just not possible. God who created us made things such that there’s always people on every level. Imagine all of us having the same amount of money and property. Who’s going to be in the market selling foodstuff? Who’s going to be in the restaurant cooking for us to patronize?

Everything we are struggling for today is for us and our families to live a comfortable life. If everyone of us is living comfortably, trust me , no one will even be out there on the hot sun working because they have all they want in life. Also, I’m sure most of the lazy people would actually root for equality because in this case, the rich people might have to give out some of their wealth to them. Most people are lazy to the core yet they want to compare themselves to people who have worked their whole lives for what they have. It’s obviously not going to be possible for a lazy man and a hardworking man to be on the same level.

What we could opt for in place of capping how much one should earn should rather be that, we all come together to build a society free from poverty. The rich, middle and low class all should come together to help one another in one way or the other so that everyone would at least have a roof over their heads 3 square meals a day and basic human rights. We can’t all be equal as human but we can all strive for a better world.

all images belong to me.

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