The Time Trap-My Journey Through Poor Time Management and Its Grave Consequences

Hello guys,
I hope you’re enjoying your day. This is my entry to the second edition of this weeks featured contest and the topic for discussion is a very interesting one. It takes me back to those days when everything was different.

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It’s no news that we all have 24 hours in a day.How you use these 24 hours is up to you. For most of us , these 24 hours don’t seem to be enough for us at the stage we have gotten to. For me, the day passes by so fast you barely get time to catch your breath.

So the question is, how do you manage your 24 hours? Do you sleep all day? Work all day? Browse all day? Well, I hope whatever you’re using your time for is of good benefit to you.

Topic for discussion

Poor Time Management.
Tell us about a time you managed time poorly and there were adverse effects. How did that happen? What were the consequences? And what lessons did you get from the experience? Please share with us.

We all have made one or two mistakes in our lives and that’s why we are human. No one is perfect and that’s fine. Today, I look back to those days when I didn’t really think time management was a big deal or maybe I just didn’t realize that I didn’t have that much time.

Let me take you back to my senior high school days. Right from my childhood I have loved reading books. At my age, you’ll be surprised the number of books I have stacked up in my room. Reading is not a bad thing but at some point is became a bad thing to me. Why do I say that?

I say this because I spent almost all my day reading books be it story books , science books or whatever. Also I was know to be the supplier of books for others to read. Due to my reading habits, I started to perform badly in my tests and exams. My parents were really worried they got teachers to teach me extra classes. Here they were thinking I didn’t understand what was being taught in class when all I did in school then was bury my head in whatever book I’m reading all day.


So, my first term results in senior high school weren’t that good even though I’m a very smart person. It was during the vacation my parents realized my performance was because of my reading habits. I only read my text books when I had a test or when I felt like which wasn’t often. My dad spoke to me about it but being the difficult person I am I told him not to worry.😂 My mom being the no nonsense person didn’t waste time in giving out all my story books to the kids in the neighborhood. In addition to that, she added my shoes and some of my clothes as punishment. Mad is an understatement for how I felt. Man, your girl was broken.😂😂


But today I know what she did was very harsh but that was exactly what I needed. The warning she gave me after all of that brought me back to my senses. I realised how much time I had wasted reading books which were not related to school. Since I had no books then, I started taking my studies seriously and I was even attending my extra classes which I didn’t need anymore. To appease me, my mom got me at most two books to read every vacation. I was happy about that because I didn’t have school then so I could read the books she got me.

Since then, I realised how poor time management almost ruined my future if my mom hadn’t been hard on me. I already felt the consequences of my actions and I learnt my lessons very early. I would say I have been getting better everyday since that incident.

These days, I barely have time for myself because I have a lot to do. With this, I make sure to schedule everything to fit into the 24 hours I have. Without time management, your life would be a mess. There are people out there who still can’t figure out their life is a mess because they do not manage their time well.


The little I have to say is that in all you do, make sure to use your time wisely and also make sure to reap positive results from whatever you’re investing your time in because time is money.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and learnt something from it. Thank you.

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