My Run For Office: Dirty Politics or Disruptive Changes

With power comes great responsibility. Being a leader is actually not an easy thing at all. I never knew that until I became a leader myself. I had to manage the affairs of so many people and I thought to myself, how am i going to do this. But guess what, I found my way around it. It wasn’t an easy ride but I managed to navigate my way through. One thing I’ve come to learn from my leadership journey over the years is that, people would judge you, criticize you and say a whole lot of things about you and your leadership style just because they are not happy with your choices.

But then, when they are put in your shoes for just one day, they will actually start to appreciate what you do for them. That’s why they say that you shouldn’t judge someone because you never know what you would do if you found yourself in their place. Not everything you do as a leader would please everyone of your followers but then, if it’s for the benefit of the majority or the future, why not.

Politics is a dirty game and we all know that by now. People have lost their lives just because they decided to play the dirty game for someone’s gain. But then , is it really necessary. I always say I’m not into politics because I see it to be a risky game. But then, that’s what others like. For them, it’s purely business. Taking my country , Ghana for example.Last four years ,our current president went to heaven and earth promising the citizens so many things. Free education, one village one dam and many more just become he wanted another tenure in office. They even go as far as giving out money to anyone who would take for their votes.

He finally got what he wanted and that was the end of it. Free education which he promised happened but now we all wished it wasn’t even implemented because it’s a total disaster. We haven’t seen any dam in any village or even a new road being constructed. Prices of goods and services are skyrocketing, citizens are even paying double taxes on everything they buy. Thank God we are not paying taxes for the air we breathe. Now, Ghanaians are angry and always rain insults on the current government but they don’t even bat an eye. Now, we have all seen that they don’t have our best interests at heart and everyone is itching for Election Day.

Looking at our current situation as a country, if I was given the opportunity to be a politician or contest for a higher role, I would obviously aim for the presidency because that’s where the whole cycle begins. I’m not one to play the dirty game and so I would be very transparent in all my actions, set out goals and find ways to implement them strategically. Everyone’s voice matters and so I would give people the platform to express their concerns and ways they think we could address them. That’s actually one way to get the heart of people and get their votes.

From there, change would begin. I would make sure we clean up all the mess that has been created in our country together as a whole and start afresh. Even if it wouldn’t be the best of starts, it would be a step toward the right direction.I’m someone who doesn’t easily get influenced and I know that I won’t get carried away by the power given to me by the people. We have been deceived and taken advantage of for so long. Enough is enough.

all images belong to me.

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