My Perfect Day Essentials

For you to even have a perfect day, you have to have been lucky to wake up from bed. So yes, waking up from bed in good health is the first start to my perfect day. Being the person that I am, I’d obviously need about 30 minutes or get myself out of bed. It’s always, ‘just 5 more minutes’ until it’s 30 minutes.😅

Every night before I sleep, I make sure to have a daily schedule for the day ahead and so , once I’m up the next day, I know what to do at this and that time and that makes everything easier and faster. Aside days when I decide to not actually go anywhere or do anything, I don’t think there would be a time in a day you’d see me lazying about.

With the kind of days I have, there’s no way in heaven I’m going to step out without having breakfast. I used to not be a breakfast person but I guess people change. To think that I moved from having to fight with my dad over my eating habit to being extra conscious about my eating habit is still a mystery to me. Regardless, having my breakfast is means I’m one step to achieving a perfect day.

From there, I get to work and start working on my daily activities. I am a very time conscious person and I make sure to get everything done at the right time. At this point, all I wait for is my break time so I can catch a break from all the work. A girls got to rest but God knows I get no rest. As they say, a soldier was born ready to die.

My day is never complete without talking to my family and friends. Due to the nature of our work and where we all reside currently, the best we can do is to communicate via phone. Most at times, we all hop onto a call to share bits and pieces of our day. This helps us ease some stress and get things off our chest. What more could I ask for than this.

A perfect day for me is a day with food. There are days I forget to eat which is mostly because I’m too occupied. But a day without food is obviously not a perfect day for me. Even if I’m too busy to eat, I should at least have a good supper to end the day.

Most people usually underrate the power of me time but to me, it’s the best time of the day. I’d prefer to spend at least 30 minutes to an hour everyday to just be by myself. It’s actually very peaceful and calming and it give me time to reflect on my day. Reflecting over your day at the end of everything is very crucial for every individual as it helps your realise so many things and even do better.

Everyone wishes to have a perfect day, but it’s only few of us who are able to achieve that. Prefect only exists in our imaginations I guess.

all images belong to me.

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