Influencer Material?: Let’s Find Out!

Hello guys,
Welcome to my YouTube channel(Hive channel😂). On todays episode of keeping up with Nhaji, we are going to talk about if social media influencing is for me or not. I know my top fans @yahuzah and @fashtioluwa will say I’m good at this influencing thing but, let’s look at things for a different person perspective or should I say my perspective.

I believe everything has it’s pros and cos and same applies to social media influencing. While these influencers get juicy offers for collaborations, advertisements and what have you, they also have to deal with the bitter people out there on the internet. I always say that some people are frustrated and the only way they can get rid of such frustration is by coming online to shame or hate on others. However, I don’t think I’d be that influencers to watch such people come at me with their bs and not mind them. I sure am and would be that influencer who will call people out on their shit and I know most people wouldn’t like me for that but that’s just me and so on this, I an stating that I don’t think social media influencing is for me.

I really don’t mind being an influencer because it’s fun and all and oh, I love drama. I just love to sit and laugh at what people are doing just to get me to react. But, on a more serious note, social media influencers have little to no form of privacy in their lives. Imagine walking on the streets minding your business only for someone to pull a camera in your face. I would just smack that camera and the person out of my way. What people on the internet forget sometimes is that these celebrities or should I say mini-celebrities also have lives to live so give then a break.

For someone who loves being in my lane and living my life, I don’t think I’d be able to keep up or deal with people always being in my business. Like you can’t even do stuff you want to do anymore because the internet is watching and you don’t want to lose your views. Say what? Sometimes I feel sorry for these social media influencers and celebrities because they are literally being controlled by random people on the internet they call their fans, funny right? And the worst part of all this is that once these your fans are not happy with whatever you’re doing, they all come together to cancel you.

If you haven’t heard about what happening with the TikToker Khaby Lame let me gist you. Apparently, his fans are leaving him hate comments and even trying to cancel his just because bro decided to do his own thing. He’s moving into the movie industry and these social media moms and dads are not happy with that because they claim to have made him who he is today and so he needs to come and ask his mommies and daddies for permission to do any. Silly right? That’s social media for you.

Honestly, I think some of these social media influencers should just quit their so called influencing careers because what they are is desperate and not influencers. Some of these people just turn themselves into influencers for validation. Like bro, the desperation is disgusting and I really don’t think I can deal with such people if I’m to be in the influencing industry and trust me to call them out.😂

But then again, I’m also required to be on my best behavior and follow every trend just to get more views and followers. Me? I don’t even have time for myself not to think of following silly trends which might get me to break my neck one day. Nah, I’ll pass.😂 So, with all these points, I believe my fans will agree with me that I’m better off being a waakye seller than a social media influencer because guess what, they both pay.

This is where we end for today and I hope to see you in my next video , byeee!

all images belong to me.

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