How I Avoid Examination Stress.

Examinations, a word or activity students dread so much. Whenever examinations approaches, you see all level of seriousness. It’s the time of the academic year when all students are serious.

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I don’t know why our teachers decide to test us instead of just grading us based on “do you understand”? Funny right?

Teachers ask us that all the time and so basically just believing us and giving us all A’s for that will be best😅. But no, they decide to test us to confirm if what we say is true.
We also have to prove to them we actually understand what we are being thought. In all, I think it’s fair.

Being a university student I have had different encounters with examination and some were pretty bad. I’m someone who doesn’t like to pile up work especially if it has to do with my academics.

I know some students pile up their notes till it is time for exams before they learn. That’s okay but I think it’s for the smart kids to do. We the average students need to put in more work and prepare ahead of time.

Being someone who doesn’t like to be stressed out I try my best to avoid examination fever and stress. Last year fell sick when I had an exam to sit for and I didn’t really like that course. Lucky for me , I didn’t pile up my notes so I was able to write something even though I had a problem with my hand.

Here are some tricks I use to study so I don’t find myself wanting at any point in the academic year.

Ask Questions

You might think this is funny or unrealistic but asking questions aids in better understanding of what is being taught. For someone like myself, I like to understand what is being thought from the classroom so that revision will be easy for me.


In class, I ask questions on what I don’t understand and this is one thing that helps me. It makes things stick well and I have a very good retentive memory so that’s a plus.

Work Ahead Of Time

Most students prefer to party or watch movies at the beginning of the academic year instead of studying because much work hasn’t been done then. What they do not know is that , that is the time they have to catch up with their studies and do their research. One thing I always do I to start studying as soon as lectures begin so I can move at the same pace with what is being thought. I hate to be left behind because what would it benefit me if I go to sit in a class where I have no idea of what’s being thought.So, I work ahead of time.

Read More and Make Research

As a university student you don’t expect to be taught everything in class. The lecturer does his part and the rest is up to you. Sometimes lecturers just brush through the topic so it’s left to you as a student to research further. One thing I like to do is to read wide. This gives me a better understanding of what is being taught and sometimes you even get to student ahead of the others.

Solve past questions

I don’t know how it done in other universities but in mine, most of our questions are linked to past questions.


Solving past questions is your 50% chance to making a good grade but that doesn’t apply to every course since some lecturers are changed sometimes. Even with that , solving questions broadens your scope.


During examinations most students do not sleep. Depriving yourself of sleep is not going to help but rather just add to your stress levels.


Aside revision during examination, I spend most of my time resting because I need a clear head to write my exams. Any form of stress will affect me so I rest as much as I can. I know this doesn’t apply to us all but it helps with examination fever.

These are a few tricks I use to ensure good grades and avoid examination stress. If you have other tricks feel free to share with me. Maybe I can also learn from them. I hope you also learnt something from reading this.

Thanks for reading. 🫶🏻

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