Education And Ambition: A Personal Exploration

Hello guys,
I hope you’re having a great day and you’re pumped up for the weekend. This is my entry to the third edition of this weeks hive learners engagement contest.

Education they say is the key to success but I would say it’s not always the key because there are people out there with degrees and what have you yet they’re not successful. With these people, we can’t say they’re not educated, they are. So what do we say? What did the do wrong or what are they not doing right? Are they a failure , no. No one fully knows the key to success. Success comes to those who seek it.

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To attain success, you need to know who you are and what you’re passionate about to find your calling. You don’t go into something you’re not capable of hoping that a miracle will happen. You don’t expect to see a doctor on the farm. Everyone has their role to play.

I always say it’s better to have a certificate sitting in your room than not having it at all because you never know what opportunity you might miss. I’ve been a book person from the word go. I was enrolled in school at an early age - 1 year old and I’ve grown to be this curious person that I am today.

Growing up, I just loved everything science related and I was really doing well in my science classes. I loved challenges and I was always studying ahead of my mates in junior high. I remember how we used to have early morning mental class in junior high school every Monday morning. If you didn’t study, you’d find yourself crying every Monday morning because the teacher was going to cane anyone who couldn’t answer the questions he asked them. Not really a good way to start the week. I would cram everything we were taught the previous week in order to avoid my teachers wrath.😂

Senior high school was a bit tough for me as we delved into more complex science related stuff. It was then I knew we had science and we had science. I didn’t know that the worst was yet to come. When I tell people I majored in biochemistry in the university they always go like ‘ you must be really smart’. Well, I wouldn’t say anything about this before someone comes to give me a quiz to check my smartness.😂

Reading biochemistry has been the best thing that has happened to me in my educational life. During my university days, I would mostly intern in various labs at the West African center for cell biology of infectious pathogens(WACCBIP) when school was on vacation. This gave me first hand knowledge on most of the things I was studying in school, especially in the field of microbiology. I remember how I cringed out when I first cultured a fungi sample and observed its growth after incubation. Now, I find this work to be very beautiful.😅

Currently, I hold a degree in biochemistry and I’m working as a teaching assistant with the school of medicine in a university. Even though I know what to do from here, I still want to have an open mind for now because I’m always learning about new opportunities out there everyday. I see this time as a perfect opportunity for me to explore and decide on my next step. Let’s see which directions the winds of life blow me towards in the future.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, thank you for your time.

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