Drunken Misadventures

At my big age, I’m proud to say that I don’t even know what alcohol tastes like. Growing up, I was taught that alcohol wasn’t good for me and taking alcohol was even a sin. That’s what you learn when you come from a religious home. Growing up as a Muslim, I learnt that Muslims don’t take in alcohol but you know there are always people who still take it. But, my decision to not take alcohol is mainly because I choose not to.

However, the fact that someone I meet or I’m close to takes alcohol doesn’t really bother me even though none of my friends or family take in alcohol. In school, I met so many people from all walks of life and it’s funny how you see people take in alcohol like it’s water. My first encounter with people like this was when one day, some of my course mates decided to hang out and invited me. You should see how these guys just bought a bottle of Smirnoff and coke and mixed everything. If you didn’t know , you’d think it was only coke but there was something else in it. And after all this, they didn’t get drunk. I guess it’s because they didn’t take much that day.

But, on other occasions when we go for events , they drink until they can’t even stand up on their feet. The good thing is, most of these events are on campus and so I won’t be responsible for carrying someone home. I had a very funny experience last year with a friend of mine when we visited the club. So, I was out of the country with my friends and we were invited by some new friends we made there to a club. It was more of a get together thing so we didn’t turn it down.

Being a Ghanaian, I didn’t know people in Europe partied so hard. I thought we’d just go and have fun until 12am and go back home. Guys, the real party starts after 12am. I couldn’t believe it cos we went to the club at around 9pm. And the funny part was that, you don’t party at one place. You spend an hour here, move to the next club and that’s how it goes on until 7am. And at 8am, these people who partied all night with no sleep would show up to events like nothing happened. My question always is, did you sleep?😂

So, on this day I went with a few friends say about 5 of us. Two of us don’t drink but the others were down for shots and what have you. I warned everyone not to get drunk because I can’t carry anyone back home. We went on to have fun but I realized one of the guys kept on drinking and anytime I told him to slow down on the drinking he will tell me not to worry, he doesn’t get drunk easily.

So, we decided to leave around 2am since we needed actual sleep ahead of the next day. Now, that was where the trouble started. Someone was nowhere to be found. We searched the whole club but we didn’t find him on the dance floor or at the bar. Someone decided to use to washroom and lo and behold, there he was. Passed out on the floor like he didn’t have to go back home.

As I said, I wasn’t going to be responsible for carrying anyone home and so the others had to carry him out to meet our Uber. The next time we went out, I made sure no one had alcohol so as to avoid these kinds if situations. I don’t know how it feels to be drunk and so I don’t really judge people when I see that they are drunk. But I at least expect that as adults, we should know when to take a break from it.

all images belong to me.

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