Don’t Conform, Transform

The only pressure I feel is the pressure of my own thumb on the typewriter. - Tom Wolfe

I always tell my friends that no one can pressure me in this life. People who feel pressured by others feel that way because they allow themselves to be in by others this mostly happens due to comparison.

In our lives as human, we should learn to understand that we are never equal to others in all we do. There are people out there who will be better than you and there are others you will most definitely be better than. In all, we need to learn to accept and appreciate who we are. In today’s society, the young adult is bound to undergo a lot of societal pressure so the decision is up to you. Would you feel pressured or not?

In my current societal setting , there are a lot of things I’ve observed. Since most of the people living here are students, you can see that most of these young ones are constantly trying to go into competition with their peers. First, I’d like to talk about the pressure to achieve. I have seen, first hand people who come from not-so-good backgrounds act like they come from very rich homes with oil money. The funny part is that, you see them rolling with people who are rich or should I say act like they’re rich. Some of these young people will go to whatever extent to be noticed in society. They just want others to feel ‘ oh this person is very rich’. This happens with both guys and ladies and it has grown to be a normal thing now. Young ladies going into prostitution because they want to use the latest iPhone or buy the longest wig because their friends are wearing 16inches wig. It’s all about misplaced priorities out here!

Another societal pressure most people face is also the pressure to appear perfect in eyes of others. We can never be perfect as humans and that’s a fact. We all make mistakes and we can’t prevent that but the good thing is, your mistakes don’t define you. We can always learn from our mistakes and grow. Today, social media has even made things worse for our young ones. There are people out there who even feel pressured by what they see on the internet. You watch a video on tiktok and you instantly want to be like this person whose video you watched. Life isn’t a movie and the earlier we realise that the better. Everyone is out here trying to impress when no one actually gives a shit about you. People can’t even do what they want because they fear others will criticise them. But we tend to forget that whatever you do, there will be people to talk about it but who cares?

Personally, I know it will be very difficult to me to feel pressured by others because I know who I am, what I want and I have a plan. I don’t just go around trying to do whatever others are doing.

One thing I would say has helped me so far is that fact that I am very selective with people I befriend. The people you hang around with have the power to influence your life in so many ways and so,it’s better to walk with people who have a vision and a plan rather than rolling with slay queens. Everyone is unique in his own way so we as individuals should learn to embrace who we are.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, thank you for your time.

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