Are We Really as Generous as We Seem?

There’s this Ghanaian adage that’s says ‘if you do good, you do for yourself and if you do bad, you do for yourself’. Basically what this translates into is that fact that what goes around, come around. It’s more like the law of Karma and that’s how the world works. The world we live is is a very small place and so trust that any good or bad deed you commit would surely come back to you one day.

God didn’t create all of us in this world to be equal, even our fingers are not equal and so we don’t expect everyone of us on earth to be the same. Someone out there is obviously living a better life than another. Someone hasn’t even had anything to eat the whole of today but be sure that there’s also another person who has more than enough to consume for the day. That’s just life and we all have to come to terms with it eventually. It is from this they say that, no man is an Island. Obviously, we will all need others in our lives at a particular point in time. Even the rich need the poor and Vice versa . I’m yet to meet someone who would say they haven’t ever needed help from anyone in their entire life.

They say the hand that gives is the one that receives. There’s blessing in giving and that’s why we are all advised to help the needy or anyone we can in any way we can no matter how little it may be. But then, there’s always those people who have other ulterior motives when it comes to giving out charity or any form of help to others. Personally, I believe that it’s the thought that counts in giving to others. Maybe you might disagree with me, but I always have this feeling that anyone who gives to others with a bad reason or just to gain attention never receives the blessing of what they have given out.

I’ve met people who have helped me out in one way or the other because they wanted something from me in return. Some even felt that by doing what they are doing, they would be able to take advantage of me in the future since it would look more like I’m indebted to them. But if you ask me, giving out charity or doing good to others doesn’t make them indebted to you. If you want someone to be indebted to you, then maybe you should consider looking elsewhere because charity should be from the heart.

Personally, I believe that giving out charity just because you want others to know about it or even to have it published for the whole world to know isn’t worth it. At that point, I think it shouldn’t even be considered charity any more but an attention seeking scheme. But then again, we are all individuals from different backgrounds and upbringing and so it makes sense for us all to reason differently. But, in my point of view, charity should be from the heart and not because you want the whole world to know what you have done. No one is giving marks for such things so , let’s learn to be discrete in issues that have to do with this regard.

The best charity is the kind that no one knows about.

all images belong to me.

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