If I was 18 again


I'm not quite sure if I would jump on the opportunity to go back in time or change my name in this context, the fear alone of changing what I already have is enough. Our age is a measure of all our experiences and our passage through this little thing we call life: it isn't just a number as you've heard most people say. Losing all those experiences would be like losing a part of yourselves since it kind of represents the amount of wisdom and experience we've gathered over the years.

But for the fun of the prompt, it's fair game, what would I do if I had the opportunity to change my age and what age would I pick? well, I've given it a lot of thought and I had to pick an age I wasn't too stressed but was still open to possibilities.



What would I do with this second chance, though, if I were to entertain the possibility for a brief period and think that I might grow younger without losing any of the experiences or information I have acquired? There are countless options, but a few immediately come to mind.

First, cryptocurrencies, I know exactly what I'm buying since I still kept all my experiences. Being 18 again is just taking away 6 years from me so I know exactly what pumps and what year they pump. That's my first plan. By my calculations, I should be in the Bahamas by now. This leads me to what I'd be doing next, traveling every opportunity I get.

Second, I would take use of this opportunity to follow my hobbies and ambitions. As we age, we tend to become more cautious and risk-averse, sticking to what is familiar and safe. But if I were younger, I'd be willing to take risks and be self-assured enough to go after my aspirations. I would pick up new interests, acquire new knowledge, and pursue fresh creative endeavors. I would use this time to develop personally and learn what makes me truly happy. Since money would no longer be an issue, I can concentrate on my music and my animation.


And last, I would take advantage of this chance to spend more time with the individuals I cherish. I have lost a lot of friends since 2018 and I just wish I had some more time with them. The rules to this prompt are unclear, not sure if I'd be able to save them but if I can't, I would spend as much time as I can with them as possible. Friends and family are really all we got. Makes me sad to think I wouldn't be able to help them but at least I get closure from seeing them again.

These are only a few of the things I would do if I were younger, of course. The only restriction would be my own imagination, although there are infinite additional alternatives. However, even as I write this, I can't help but feel appreciative of the age I am now and for all of the opportunities and experiences that have led me here. I wouldn't trade my experience for anything in the world since it has made me into the person I am today.

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