Goodbye old friend.


For those of us who spent most of our childhood indoors playing board games and watching cartoons, we'd say childhood was pretty awesome, we got away with a lot of things, trust me, I did, but what made childhood especially fun were the friends we had.

Like most children, I was very certain I was going to grow up with all my friends and we would live in the same area and have big houses and I'd get to see them all the time. I think we all know it doesn't work that way.

Although we did grow up together, some of us grew apart, some of us moved to new locations and the rest of us simply continued leaving our lives. I was one of those that moved from where I grew up, leaving most of my friends physically behind.

What friend am I using for context in this post?

Her name was Cynthia, I've talked about her here a lot of times here. She was one of the most interesting people I knew even from the perspective of a young boy. I met her in primary school and then we realized we lived close to each other. Things kind of just fell into place from there. She was amazing, had good music taste, was pretty and smart, beauty with brains if you will, and she had a great sense of humor.

At some point in my very young life, I thought I was going to get married to her, she was my best friend. She was the type of person that'd call you out on your bullshit, she was just amazing.

What happened, where is she now?

Like all good things, our friendship came to a tragic end. She died in a car accident and I never really did get closure because I wasn't there when she was buried. The only thing I was left with was the last conversation we had.

I'm very sure if she was still alive, we'd still be great friends. I miss her sometimes when I remember what a lovely person she was. The sad thing is I'm going to grow older and I can only remember her as the young girl she was, I didn't get to watch her grow up.


How will you react if you were to see them again after all this while?

Well first of all, I would freak the heck out. I've read the Bible and watched too many movies to know the dead coming back to life isn't really a good thing now. I might not even go next to her until I fully confirm it's her and even then, I'll be scared to my bones.

But let's say for the sake of this post, the dead coming back to life was perfectly normal. Oh how I would love to see my friend again, see her beautiful smile and her cat like eyes, her funny walk when she's excited. I am hugging her and never letting go, never again.

I wish things did end up differently and she didn't have to leave just yet but I choose to believe everything happens for a reason and I will see my friend again.

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