We should talk face to face more often.

We no longer communicate face to face.gif

In the modern world we live in, many things have slowly disappeared over time. One of them that I would like to see return is the importance of face-to-face communication. In the age of technology and social media, personal interaction has taken a back seat, which has negatively affected our ability to understand and empathize with others.

In the past, people used to sit down and talk face-to-face, look each other in the eye and listen carefully to what the other had to say. This allowed for deeper, more real connections and fostered mutual understanding and respect.



Laziness and also the fear of uncomfortable situations push us to hide behind a keyboard and a screen to communicate, but on the way we are losing valuable elements such as attention span, space for intimacy, ability to understand and share emotions.

I think that in the past we used to consider body language a lot, making eye contact with the other person as long as necessary, we didn't prepare much what we said, we transmitted everything in a more natural way.

However, with the advent of smartphones and social networks, communication has become more superficial and cold, leaving aside the emotions and nuances of nonverbal language.



As a result, society has become more individualistic and self-centered, with a lack of empathy and understanding for others. People have lost the ability to put themselves in other people's shoes and understand their feelings and needs. This has generated conflicts and divisions in society, which could have been avoided if we maintained closer and more authentic communication.

If we were able to recover the importance of face-to-face communication, the situation would improve significantly. People would be able to establish stronger and more meaningful relationships based on trust and mutual respect. An environment of collaboration and cooperation would be created, in which differences would be seen as an opportunity to grow and learn, rather than as a source of conflict.

In addition, face-to-face communication would allow us to express our emotions more honestly and directly, which would strengthen our self-esteem and self-confidence. We would become more aware of our own emotions and those of others, which would help us to manage conflicts and differences more effectively.



In this day and age, it is vital to balance our digital interaction with face-to-face communication. The latter sends a message even before we have uttered a single word. And when we say it, others won't just hear what we say. They will receive the information sent by our body language, our tone and our emotion.

We should have a more understanding, empathetic and caring society, so that the relationships between people would be stronger and more meaningful, allowing us to face the challenges of today's world together. We must strive to maintain authentic and close communication with others.

This is my second participation this week, and it is related to the following topic:

Bring It Back: Tell us about one thing that has slowly faded away through time that you would like to bring back. It could be a character trait of people, it could a piece of technology. However, you feel that since people stopped paying attention to it, things have only gotten worse. What would you like to bring back? And how will bringing it back make things better?.

Thanks for stopping by.

The first image was taken from Pixabay, being this the main source Source and was also modified with the graphic design program Canva.

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