Science: A Blessing In Disguise

There is no doubt in the fact that we perceive that science has done a lot of good things for mankind but the the truth is that despite all the advancement that science has brought to the world, there are more severe punishment man has got to bear as a result.


Over the years, this argument has been upheld in different parlance and I have held onto the truth that science is a blessing in disguise. Indeed, we have accepted many natural changes because we live in a world where competition has made us forget the first purpose of life, which is to live and let others live.

The Many Blessings of Science

This could be innumerable to mention because in the real sense, science has improved the conditions of living for man. This came with a pain in the neck.

Locally, our ancestors evolved from eating raw foods to cooked food. Food that was cooked with firewood and later with a stove and now, we cook our foods with a gas cooker. You might not know, there is a lifelong effect on us.

There has been an improvement in skin care products too which has brought about an increase in the rate of cancer ailment among humans.

When machines were invented in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, little did we know that the adverse effect could be more. Statistics have shown that there has been a record of high fatality in industrial and domestic usage of machines.
One can go on and on to mention scientific advancement and what it has caused humanity. But for the purpose of this contest, I would like to limit this expository on military wares.

Science Went Too Far Here

One area that science went too far is in the art of warfare. Nations of the world today are in a singular competition. That competition is the competition of armament.
What is Armament?
It is a process of equipping the armed forces with modern and sophisticated weapon for the art of warm

The world has witnessed two major world wars. The first and second world war. These wars caused an unprecedented destruction in our world today. It is saddening that humans have reduced themselves to be enemies, making the competition to become stiffer.

Dan Galvani Sommavilla

Aside from arson weapons like pump-action, machine gun, Ak 47 rifles and so on, science, through man's greed to rule the other, has taken a step too far in producing what can wipe out the entire world in a moment. Let's take a look at it.

Bio-Nuclear Weapons

During the cold war era, which has not ended as far as I am concerned, polarised the entire world into two blocks, each bloc supporting her allies against the will of the other.
Bio-Nuclear weapons are the latest and the most unfortunate invention of science. During the Second World War (WWII), Germany, which was seen as the aggressor, shot a Bio-Nuclear weapon at Japan, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These two places in Japan till date do not have drinkable water. In fact, water is far more expensive than wine in both Germany and Japan. These two countries cannot get drinkable water from their earth crust due to the use of atomic weapons in that place during the war.

Today, when you see or hear about the bragging of Ukraine, the US, Russia or China to be supreme or standing in each other's way, it's all because one feels that she has acquired enough military power to out-do the other.

It is a known fact that there are more militating ways science has s made our world more vulnerable but looking closely, you will see that the number of casualties recorded on a daily basis due to the use of military weapons is far more than every other scientific invention.

In Nigeria for instance, there have been more casualties from insurgency using modern military wares than the number of deaths from HIV/AIDS.

On a general note. Though we appreciate that science has made life a lot easier for us all, the consequences of scientific invention are more consequential.

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