Pressure makes alot of young people go astray.

Society pressure is one of the major things that makes a lot of people go astray expecially the young once there are lots and types of pressure and i will be talking about some in this story


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Peer pressure
This pressure is one of the major pressure that makes everyone go astray, and i personally have a story to tell about peer pressure. During my college days i have three friends plus me that's four of us the four of us really like each other so much to the extent that we eat and do everything together and we were so brilliant then as soon as we promote to another level i realized two of my friends already having another friends well to cut the long story short they start doing all sort of things and not coming coming home in the night before i know it they have already started doing fraud (yahoo) and after few months they are cashing out and then introduce me to it which i said no, just because i said know this oppression is much before we finish the school they bought cars and so on then living luxury lifestyle in fact they refused to read and they only gave lecturers money on exams day so they will cover for them in a nutshell their was time they were caught and they refused to graduate with us because of their ways of life. Believe me I'm a bit tempted because but then i act so strong to overcome it i left them i could not know what ends their life but all they are trying to do is to initiate me as if that wasn't enough.


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Parents pressure
Most of the time our parents also add to the pressure without noticing as you will see some parents comparing their children to another because the other as gotten married at young age and their own is still at home looking for a way to survive they have forgotten that time zone of each and everyone is different, some parents also go extreme end to pressure their child by telling them is that not your mate that bought that and this for his or her mom? All these kind of pressure has make so many young people go astray.


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In conclusions alot of young people has joined fraud, cultist, blood money, ritual and so on because of pressure and i want to be like my friends, i don't know well in other countries but believe me Nigeria has alot of young people that got lost base of pressure, in this country ours is not easy to over come it if you are not extremely strong. Alot of young ladies started sleeping around because of money just because their friends is living a luxurious life that they can't afford and to afford this they sold their dignity out and start doing alot of unlawful act, what pressure as caused in my dear country is not small as it's the cure major problem we are having in the country.

Here is my little story on pressure and this topic as given by @hive-learners

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