I need to talk.

There is no way we can escape it; we all have a weakness. Since we are all humans, we can't be perfect anyway. I must say that this topic is for me because, honestly, my weakness is one of my problems.
I'm this kind of person who loves to listen and loves to do the little help I can, even if I don't have it.

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So many times, some people just see me as someone they can talk to most of the time they are down. And honestly, I'm always trying to give them a listening ear. Even when I was so busy. I love to do that because I know if you don't trust someone, you will not talk to them. By the way, we have seen people commit suicide just because no one is there to listen to them. Moreover, sharing your problem with someone you trust makes you feel better and makes you feel at home and safe.

But on the other hand, it's not the same for me. I'm this kind of person that keeps things to myself. No matter what I might be passing through, I will not talk. I mean, I can be passing through a lot and still be smiling.

Recently, I just need to call a friend to come and spend some time with me, and this is because I was passing through something and my heart is so heavy. I used to be someone who loved to stay alone. I once talked about me being an ambivert. But at the same time, I can stay alone more than outside.

You can call me a triangle person. My movement is so predictable, from my house to the gym, from the gym to training, then to my house. I stayed more in my room than you can ever imagine. But recently I can't stay alone again. I mean, I really needed to say a lot about what is going on with me. But my weakness won't allow me. I'm too silent for my liking, and the funniest part is that it's killing me. That doesn't mean if anyone wants to seek advice from me, I wouldn't talk to them or be there for them.

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Sometimes I ask myself, Why is it so difficult for me to always talk about my problem? But I couldn't find any answers to it. My childhood friend came to stay with me. I invited him over and lied to him; I was missing him, and the truth was I just needed to see someone physically so at least my worries could go away. The moment he needs to travel back to his base because he needs to resume work. I feel so troubled. I even told him to wait a little bit, but he was angry, thinking I don't care about his work.

I must say that this weakness of mine has done lots of harm to me. But as I always say, I will be fine. I mean, I always feel insecure around people; I don't talk about my problem. I just make trouble everywhere, and no one really knows what is going on.

I'm still struggling to trust someone or talk to someone. @storygoddess will always say, Please don't die. It's funny why she always talks like that because we are both the same thing.

All images are mine

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