Everything begins at home.

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A child misbehaving in society can cause a lot of harm, especially if his or her misfortune is to affect others in one way or another. I had an experience of this a few days ago; in fact, it is not up to a week, and this goes along way to affect some of us because we are together.


It is good to train your child; failing to do so might cause a lot of dangers to the people in the society. Here's my
experience a few days ago. I traveled to the all-Africa games a few days ago. And on getting there, I met with my athletes.
I realized my athletes are just roaming around as they want, but I want to give them time to explore and meet new friends since it only happens every four years. To cut the long story short, they start sleeping late, anytime they are sleeping at our sides, which I do not like. I told them that sleeping late will affect their training and stamina. I never knew that it was something else some of them were doing at the competition. Remember they were all ladies?

One of them starts causing troubles among them; she starts talking about things she shouldn't have talked about; and lastly, she now has interest in one of their colleagues boyfriends who happens to be there with them.
I sincerely don't know things like that were going on around me until one of their coaches, who happens to be in another field, calls my attention that she used to see the other lady cry most times at night. And this was a cause of the lady that wants his boyfriend. When I got to notice this, it was too late. Not until a day before this lady competition. I realized she was crying and sad. She didn't even sleep at night. I was so worried because I knew what this could cause her on the mat when she wants to fight.


I stood by her sides and encouraged her to be strong. I did all I could, but it was too late. When this lady got to the mat, she could not perform the way she used to perform. Note that this lady is best ranked in my country. This best-ranked girl couldn't even lift up her own leg. I was so angry, I did all I could when I seconded her. But she lost her match in the final, which makes her come home with silver.

Now here is the point: if the lady that causes all these didn't cause the problem, I'm hundred percent sure I will be coming home with more gold; she didn't just cause problems for the lady but also caused problems for each and every one of us.
I must say that this problem is coming from her parents; they refused to train her well. As a coach that I'm, I did all I could to manage her to win what she won. She frustrated my life a lot. But I applied wisdom and stayed calm to maintain her. It was so unfortunate on how she speaks to her mom; when I heard her talk to her mom anyhow, then I realized where the problem is coming from.

Although the mom begged me to do what she could, but a lot has been damaged, and she almost ruined that lady carrier because of her attitude towards us.
I think parents have lots to do when it comes to upbringing children; don't say because you have a child and you won't discipline her. If you refuse, it will affect people in society, although some children are so unfortunate that even if you train them, they will still do bad, but then parents have a lot to do because it all begins at home.

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