How I wish I can do it Now, Procrastination a thief of success .

There is one successes that gives joy but there is another that produces a feeling of Fulfilment in company of joy. The grace of a finisher is one thing I keep praying for every now and then, not just to finish any task but to finish it exceptionally.

Do you know how many unfinished task we carry over to the next day, we keep postponing on doing several things until the deadlines elapses and sometimes damages done are beyond repair.
I thought hard about things I wish to let go this year at first I want to pick my beauty sleep because on an average I try to get at least 5hours of sleep every night and if time permits I cheap in few minutes of nap during the day. I have thought to myself that if I decrease those hours of sleep I could be more productive but my health wouldn't endure anything less than 5hrs of sleep. Knowing fully well that cheating myself of sleep can assist my activities on hive, during the day we can get busy with offline activities but we have the night to engage chat and do other stuffs on hive. I remember how my friends would stay up at night to catch up with hive Twitter space and every AMA I wish I can still do that now, alot has happened to my body and it needs more rest now than when I felt stronger. As a result I can't cheat myself of sleep and will only try my best to be active on hive during the day. Hive never sleeps and since our time zones are different you can always catch up with a hiver even in the middle of a night from your own country.

Procastination is one poor habit/act that has cheated me in several ways. I remember during that December period I ought to join some training classes for free, all I was meant to do was to click some buttons and follow the convener on their social media handle, the notification came at about Dec 3rd while I was eating, first I thought to myself why not do it after food..
After dinner, sleep took over and I told myself that the morning time will be the best to do this. It never occured to me in the morning until another 3weeks when a notification came in that the number of needed participant is completed. I bite my tongue and fingers but the opportunity was lost maybe forever I hope not. If only I can learn to do things now and not postponed it till the next minute I will make more progress in many things.


Edited on Canva.

To stay away from Procastination

  • I now Carry a jotter and write to do list making sure that everything is ticked daily except for the things I can no longer achieve for the day. Every task must be completed before bed.

  • Sometimes I plead with my friends to remind me of activities ahead of time especially if they are group functions

  • Alarms on my phone too have been of help.
    There are some principles I have set down for myself and I hope that they help me stay away from Procastination just like a drunkard willing to drop his bottle.

Thank you so much for your time.

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