Police Savage Act

Almost everyone as had one or two experiences with the force, some people's experience the good side while some people like myself experience the worse and cruel side of them.


My experience or I would say "our experience" (myself and elder sis) with the police force makes me hate them with passion and I can't allow any of my siblings joined the police force at all. Once a police officer is in his or her uniform they tend to forget that they are human beings, they behave anyhow and don't care that there is a tomorrow after today.

In my country, once you have an encounter with the police force hmmmm you can't go scort free if you don't a solid backup. Even if they know you are truly innocent, you will still be told to bail yourself. Nothing like free and fair in their dictionary at all, the worst part is that they might even say you resemble one criminal they are looking for, they just want to put you in serious trouble that you won't be free from.

My Experience

Myself and elder sis drove out on a particular weekend in my state to get some stuffs for the house. We couldn't get some items from where we went, so we decided to go to the market to buy what we needed. So policemen were always at the junction to the market serving as traffic wardens.

My Elder Sis was the one driving, so before she got to the junction she navigated to the right looking for where to park the car so that we can walk to the market, luckily we saw a car leaving a space so she quickly parked there. To our amazement, a policeman just walk up to us immediately we came down from the car and told us he will like to check our vehicle particulars and also search the car thoroughly to know if it's not a stolen vehicle.

Before then, we've heard lots of news that through searching of the interior of cars most wicked police officers usually drop contrabands in the car and they would call their other officers along the road to check a particular car with plate number A1234 and search it so as to put the person in trouble.

So Dad had given us strict warning never on any occasion allow force men to search the car in his absence
We were shocked and embarrassed and couldn't alter a word for some minutes because we didn't know the reason behind his request. So we refused to open the car but told him we can show him the car particulars. This policeman started shouting on top of his voice, that he didn't even want to see the particulars again that he want to do thorough searching of the car. Till his shout attracted the attention of his fellow traffic wardens and those passing by.

He started threatened that he will make sure we didn't see the car again if he should call back up from their station and alert them of stolen car. The first thing I checked was that he wasn't with guns so I know we both are safe to an extent. Without his knowledge, I quickly forward message to my Dad and an uncle that we have that's working at the Federal Road Safety Corps. He whispered something to his colleagues that we couldn't hear, so one of the officers supported him while the third didn't, he just went back to where he was sitting.

Surprisingly he made an unknown call and told us their office towing vehicle is on the way. We still insisted that we aren't opening our car, those two useless officers starting threatening that they will burst our tyres to show they are serious. I got angry and told the two of them that they are going to pay for any damages. The useless officers didn't know that our Dad was already at the opposite side of the road watching us.
It was when Dad arrived at the scene and they saw his ID card Dad was a radio worker that they knew they have stepped beyond their boundaries. And when our uncle a road safety officer fully in uniform arrived they knew that their trouble had doubled. That was the first time I saw police officers shivering, our Uncle didn't alter a word at all to them. He just told his boys to put them in the car straight to road safety office.

We followed them to road safety office with our Dad, lo and behold our tormentors started begging that they were sorry and didn't know what came over them to harass us. The second officer that supported him said he thought when he whispered to him was true that was why he supported him.

We were shocked we didn't know they could beg, our uncle write to their superior and later heard that the two officers were suspended and later transferred to another state. They were given strict warning that any negative report about them again would lead to their dismissal.

So since that day, I'm always careful of my movement around the metropolis cause of police Savage acts.

Thanks for reading my blog!

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