My Studying Methods

I'm very sure majority of us had taken a whole lots of examinations or tests in the past while some are still writing exams till date. Examinations can not be taking away from learning because is the yardstick use to test how well an individual had learned a particular thing, so learning and examinations goes hand in hand.


Everyone has their unique ways of studying before exams or test, there are some who can assimilate anywhere they are whether noisy or not while some people preferred a serene environment. Also some people are so good in cramming, in such a way that they can read few days or hours to the exam while some can't try it at all. So I believe one has to adhere to which ever way you feel is best for you to prepare for your examinations.

For me, I don't cram it's like an injury to my brain. I take my time to study very well to understand so that I can remember clearly whatever I've read.

My Studying Methods

  • Daily Studying

My studying starts from the day I started attending a lecture. I've said earlier on that cramming isn't my thing cause when I cram I get confused and frustrated. So studying daily that is, at the end of each day makes me familiarized with the course I'm reading and also prevent me from hurry reading when the exam date is approaching

  • Tutorial

One of the methods that aids faster learning and assimilation for me is attending tutorials in school. Through this myself and course mates will share ideas and help ourselves out on any difficult assignments and as well treat past questions.


  • Night Studying

During my school days, I went to school from home so my studying time is always at night when my family members are fast asleep. I love night reading cause there won't be distractions and I would have slept in the evening immediately I'm back from school so I have the nights to myself to study.

  • Studying Location

Occasionally when I have free time in school, I use the school library to study but when I'm at home I don't study in my room at all cause it's close to my bed, so my studying location is our dining room. I prefer to sit comfortably in the dining room to my studying table in my room cause I will be far away from my bed and fan.


  • Feeding Well

In all things healthiness matters, I see lots of people studying so hard till they forget they haven't eaten for several hours or taking Coffee so as to stay awake. But for me, I can't trade my wellness with anything not even studying, I hate been weak or sick so to prevent that, I feed well and as well avoid any stressful activities while preparing for an exam or test.

  • Revise Using Past Questions

I have a file in which I do document past questions that I've photocopied from my seniors, I learnt this past questions collection from my elder sister. Studying with past questions makes reading fast and better, this helps one to know the pattern in which a particular lecturer set his or her questions and sometimes when you come across lazy lecturers, they might lift question live and direct from a particular year. So if one has treated the past questions that will serve has an advantage to you.

Unless one has the aim of engaging in examination malpractice, Pre-examination Studying is very essential and shouldn't be joke with.

Thanks for gracing this post, do have a wonderful day.

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