For peace to reign, I had to pay her

Sometimes in life, we find ourselves in unpleasant situations where we have to make sacrifices in other to maintain peace and avoid unnecessary conflicts. A lot of things happen around us that need people to take responsibility so as for peace to reign but most times people neglect it and this leads to problems, then after resolution the main cause of commotion might be a little thing that ordinary "sorry" would have resolved.


There are sometimes I've apologized and as well paid for things that doesn't even concern me in order to maintain harmony and prevent things from going out of control. I vividly remember a sacrifice I had to make sometimes ago for the sake of peace and also to help a little girl in need.

At my former place of work, myself and colleagues always wait after school closing hours for extra classes just to earn little change so as to add up to our take home at the end of the month. So a colleague of mine was in damn need of money for her project in school, we advice her to join us in the extra lesson too so as for her to earn additional money.

A girl was among the students she was taking but most times I noticed that the lady and the girl's mother always fight over her payment every month. We all know everyone is trying to make ends, so we advise her to always be patient with the woman.

There was a particular time, the woman was supposed to pay my colleague her money at the end of the month, this woman insisted that she had already given her the money, she denied owing her for that month. Everyone was surprised, we thought she was playing pranks on her, but when we saw she was frank about it everyone was dumbfounded that how possible the lady would receive her payment and she won't remember.


The issue lead to a physical confrontation and big fight between them and I just have to interfere so that peace would reign. I asked my colleague about the whole thing and burst into tears that the woman just want to cheat her that she didn't pay her at all.

She said it's not even about the money, but for her to lie against her is what she can't tolerate, her emotions are really running high so I told her not to worry that I will resolve the issue.

I had to make some findings about the woman that accused my colleague wrongly then I discovered that she is not mentally balanced and she has been like that since she lost her husband.

So I told my colleague to continue the extra lesson for the little girl till the end of the term, while I paid for her. At first she refused but I told her we need to help the girl in our own little way and also report to her family that the mother needs medical attention, the issue was resolved and we all continue our work but we called the woman to our staff meeting and told her that no teacher will take her child again for extra lesson after the term to avoid problem.

Though it was difficult for me because I had to pay my colleague from part of the extra cash I earn, but I need to do it so that peace will reign and my colleague will be able to make the total amount of money she had envisaged in her mind at the end of the month. Since then I haven't done anything related to such but I never can say, if such situation occur in the future, I might be of help also.

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