2023 Latter Days

Year 2023 is running to an end and I'm so grateful to God for sound health which He has bestowed on me, my friends and family. Though this year was kind of somehow from economy meltdown, to cashless policy in Nigeria, to hike price in petroleum products etc in short, most of us had it very rough in many of our endeavors but in all, I'm glad that we are hale and healthy to gradually see the year coming to an end.

Oh yes, Christmas is around the corner and if we haven't achieved much things that we desired, I'm hopeful the coming year will be our year of greater accomplishment. It quite unfortunate how people see the end of the year as a deadline to achieve their aims, thereby putting themselves in unnecessary pressure. They have forgotten that once there is life there is hope for a better chance to achieve whatsoever they desired.


Having new year resolutions or bucket list is paramount to almost everyone at the beginning of a new year, I count it as a way one plan his or herself for the journey ahead. Though we don't know what might happen in the next minute but planning ahead or having a bucket list isn't a bad idea at all.

I flash back at those things I've aimed for this year that is, those things I hope to do very well while some things I hope to stop them. But flashing back now, I discovered that I'm unable to achieve all of my aims and I don't think the remaining days will do justice to it at all so I will try to get them done next year God's willing.

One of the major thing I have in mind to do very well this year is to celebrate my Birthday. I've dreamed of having the best day of my life this year because it's my 'Pearl's birthday' but lo and behold the day was ruined all because I was hooked up at my local government area supervising external (NECO) examinations for senior secondary students.


I cried that day because its rained heavily, I was far away from my family members and they were unable to reach me. Birthdays comes once in a year and it's a time to reflect how wonderful God has been to one after that birthday merriment.

But mine was different, I was unable to merry on my day and this had cause sadness in my heart till this day, in short I was so lonely on my day couple with bad network service at where I was then.

Therefore, if I could turn back the hand of time, I would have loved to celebrate my day happily just has I've proposed it in my mind at the beginning of the year.

But no qualms, I'm looking forward to year 2024 by God's grace, I have decided I will be celebrating myself to the fullest no matter what the economy of my country might be. I will use next year celebration to console myself of this year's celebration that I've forfeited.

Thanks for visiting my blog and merry Christmas in advance 🎄

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