Learning a new skill...

Learning is the common process among all living things.

Learning is not limited to us, humans. Animals learn from their parent animals by watching them doing things or from their environment.

What makes us different from other living things is LEARNING A SKILL. Animals don't do this, they repeat what what their parents learnt or what their parents' parents did.

The focus point in Learning or Learning a New Skill is to train your brain.

Brain is like an untrained wild horse, when you try to ride it it throws you away from its back or doesn't go where you want it to go, but with time and training you get control over it - same is true for the brain. For every new skill you try to learn your brain becomes the untrained wild horse.

Then there is Fatigue Point, it has different duration for different people. With training people can increase the duration before they reach their Fatigue Point.

It is better to take rest of 5-10 minutes after every hour or whatever duration suits you.
It happens when we stuck with something and despite of trying very hard, we remain unable to solve the issue/problem.
This 5-10 minutes rest is also helpful in this situation. Remember though, don't think about the issue/problem during this 5-10 minutes duration. Try to talk someone, watch a small clip or do whatever soothes your mind, just take your brain away from the issue/problem at hand.

Sometimes, you start something just for killing the time and you learn a new skill in no time because you were enjoying it, learning can be fun if you are enjoying it.
You can train your brain for this enjoyment and all your new learnings will turn into fun.

While learning a new skill, keep the following points in mind.

Set a goal:
Define what is your ultimate goal by learning the new skill. This will help you stay motivated and focused on your objective.

Break it down:
Write down the complete process of learning the skill and divide it into the smaller steps, into more manageable parts. Completion of every steps will give you happiness, keeping you motivated and also this will make it easier to learn and help you track your progress.

Be patient:
Everything takes time, learning a new skill is no different, it could take a lot of time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Keep practicing, you’ll get there. With every new learning your brain gets trained making the later ones easier and most probably sooner.

Use resources:
Now a days everything is available online, there are many online resources to help you learn new skills, such as guides, forums, and professional groups. Take advantage of these resources to help you master the skill. Never hesitate to ask a question, however stupid it seems, your brain is getting trained.

Evaluate your progress:
Regularly assessing your progress is a good way to stay motivated and focused. It also helps you in determining what you're lacking and your shortcomings.

Remember, everyone's brain works different, choose the learning style that suits you better. You should learn from others but do develop your own style and it's never late to start a journey, just first step is needed - right?

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