Decoration through Bangles.. Creative_Sunday

Since last night I have been very unwell. Still I fasted and slept. When I woke up in the morning, I got a message from my friend. He invited me to his house for Iftar. It is not good for a person to go to someone's house empty-handed, so I made something for him at home. Also made a post for Creative Sunday. My health was not cooperating, but I worked slowly and made it.


• Bangles

• Colourfull sheets

• Glue

• Thread

• Scissors

• Rubber Bands

• Decoration mirrors

Let's Start

First I applied glue to the bangles and stuck them on different colored sheets. And put them in the sun to dry.

Once it was dry, I cut them into round shapes.

Then I took my younger sister's rubber bands and started putting them on the bangles according to the colors. This was the most difficult task in today's craft, because sometimes the paper would come off and sometimes it would not go up. But well I done it.

Then I took some decorative mirrors to decorate the circles. Some of them were of large size and some of them were small. First I glued large glasses in middle of all the circles.

And then stuck six small glasses on each of them, giving the shape of a complete flower. I already found it very beautiful.

After applying the mirrors, I put it in the sun to dry and prepared the pendant.

To make the pendant I took three colors of fabric and started wrapping them on a card.

After a bit of wrapping I took off the threads and cut off the ends on one side with scissors. And tied the other side tightly.

Now it was time to connect the circles that I had made. I took some toothpicks and with the help of glue, connected these circles together like a flower.

Now my showpiece was almost ready, all that was left to do was glue the pendant together.

First I hung it on my wall and it looked so beautiful.

But as I wanted to gift it to my friend, I put it on the iftar time in my bag and gave it to my friend. He was very happy to see this. And I was happy to see him. At the time of Iftar I was about to unconscious. I break my fast with dates. After breaking the fast, I prayed with the support of my freind. And then came home.

Hope you all like my idea. Thanks for reading the post. Allah Hafiz.

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