Youth Crime - Internet Fraud Has Become Popular

The crime rate is always on the rise, if our crypto currencies can in a week emulate the rising rate of crime in our Society there will really be a good smile on a lot of people's faces.

The Crimes carried out in our society, is really in its glory days(ironically).

Most times when I sit and analyze the evil being done in our society by the youths I say to myself, "Devil and his cohort have been mesmerized by these actions".

It is really alarming to see a youth finding it fun in committing crimes and deriving pleasure in them, sadly some of these youths have turned it to their lifestyle and way of living.



There are reasons why some youths find themselves indulging in these crimes, and these reasons might really be something they probably couldn't say "NO" to.

One of the most indulgent and fast-growing crimes in Nigeria Society is internet fraud, 40% of Nigerian boys are into this crime, another 40% are in the learning process and 10% are into selling tools for those learning this and those practicing this crime. We are now left with 10% youth who are not involved in fraud, out of the 10 percent that are left, 2% are falling for "Ponzi schemes" and 6% are wasting their time mining "Pi π.



The fraud has really become too alarming, made a lot of youths hate school becuse they all want to make fast money, made a lot too drop out of school because of the fast money and they don't need a lot of stress like the way the school is giving them. Whenever you ask any person who dropped the reason he or she left school to be a fraudster, their reol will always be " we are going to school to make money, and I is a way of making fast money bla bla bla".

This fraud is already in a zone and has really given Nigeria a bad name all over the whole world, lot of foreigners won't love to partner with you when they hear you are a Nigerian. I kno of a friend who lost a writing gig due to the fact he was a Nigerian, the clients said he might be another random fraudster too.

Fraud is putting us in the black sheep list globally.



Another crime is "Money Ritual", a lot of greedy youths, who are also yahoo boys have taken ut to another level, by getting it too rowdy and bringing diabolic means to their greedy and evil lust. They've gone to extent of using human parts for rituals, and it is so alarming.

How do we prevent this????

It breaks my heart to say this but, I really don't think there is a remedy for this. We really have lost this battle of getting good and responsible youhs in this generation, we only can pray to God for the yet to be born generation, because it can only take the intervention of God to help see us through.

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