The Sweet Road

Growing up, the road has always been what I thread on for transportation, either by my "legedies benz" (my legs), motorcycle, bus or even cars. And it has always brought a lot of memories to me and has helped me in a way or two learning new things. Growing up my favourite mode of transport has always been that, not like I have another choice though, my parents made decisions for me then, so I can't say for myself. And I only love what I was offered not what I want, life wasn't so rossy for me.



I enjoyed every bit of me threading the road, because I had the opportunity to feast my eyes on and entertain myself. Travelling by road has helped me explore some beautiful parts of my surrounding, I got to see a lot of dramas in traffic, got to eat some junk foods sold by the roads sides, and I got to the thing I often love doing, which is putting my head and enjoying the cool breeze while the car is in motion. My interstate travels by roads, made me get sightings of states, local governments and some villages, giving me a whole lot of experience, you know that feeling right?



Back to the topic of the essay, "Imagine if there were no security issues, no traffic and the risk of accidents has been reduced to the barest minimum... What would be your favorite mode of transport? Give us your reasons"

The same road transportation would still be my mode of transport, if there is a road that has a route to all the nooks and cranny of this world I'll love to thread the road. The road is just the best for me, even though the air mode and water are a catchy and somehow beautiful mode of transport, which I'm hoping I'll try by air someday soon, the road would still be my best.

Here are some of my reasons why I'll always love the road transportation system……..


Sightseeing is one of the most essential reasons I love to travel by road, you get to see some iconic things of some states or wherever you are passing through. For instance when we travelled through Abuja city, I got to see the iconic Zuma Rock, trust me it was a magnificent experience. Just so you know, when you are travelling by sea, you do not get to see things like this😅, you only get to see endless bodies of water and some sea living creatures. The best way to have good sightseeing is to travel by land.


Memories, memories go hand in hand with sightseeing and trust me, memories don't leave like people do, they stick with you till your last breath. You get to create memories more when you travel by land, you stopping to snap with magnificent things such as: buildings, cultural heritages, statues and a whole lot of other things.


It is very safe to travel by land, you tend to even get help from passers by or even other land travellers. If the Titanic was a travelling bus, I can bet it right with you, there won't be so many death cases as there were that night, passers by would rush to the scene and help as many victims as they can, and there is no cause to worry about you drowning or your plane crashing. When a car gets involved in an accident, the victim has a higher chance of survival than a sea traveller or an air traveller.

These are the few reasons I get to love the road more, no hard feelings but you should also fall for the road, it is cheaper and more affordable. Until another time, stay safe and love yourself and be good to others.

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