If you are like me, sometimes you might have problems understanding how some subjects are related or relevant to the course your are studying. Whether in engineering, medicine, computer science or economics, Calculus always find a way to show itself.

In this post I will share my research on the importance of Calculus and what's its all about.


Calculus is a branch of mathematics that studies the rate of change or motion (Movement) of an object.

By using it's powerful techniques and tools we can understand how quantities vary, the growth rate of a population, and the rate of chemical reactions.

Calculus was developed in the late 17th century by Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. It is a very important part of mathematics and has a wide range of applications such as engineering, medicine, physics, economics and even computer science.


Understanding the fundamentals of Calculus is crucial for understanding it's applicability.

  1. LIMITS: In layman's terms Limits can be described as a destination or a fixed point.

Imagine walking from point A to B, point B becomes your Limit and you are the Function.
So, limit helps the mathematician study how the function approaches it's limit.

A limit represents the value that a function approaches as its input or value gets closer and closer to a particular point.

It is denoted as lim(f(x)),
where "f(x)" is the function in question. Limits are the foundational building blocks of calculus, allowing us to define derivatives and integrals.

  1. DERIVATIVES: The derivative help us know the rate of change of the function at any given point in time. Denoted as "f'(x)" or "df/dx." It is also use to calculate the slope of a curve at any given point.

  2. INTEGRALS: This is a way of finding the sum of all the changes in any region or area under the curve.

The integral of a function "f(x)" is denoted as ∫(f(x) dx).

  1. INTEGRATION: Integration: Integration is the process of finding integrals. It can be used to find the total distance traveled, the area enclosed by a curve or the net change in quantity.

The fundamental theorem of calculus connects differentiation and integration, showing that they are inverse operations.

With Calculus we can analyze, model and solve complex problems in the real world.

I'm still a student who is learning and trying to understand this subject called "Calculus", so forgive and correct me if I have made any mistakes in my explanation.

My next article will be about "The Real World Application of Calculus"


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