10 Minutes in the Past (Time Travel)

Ten minutes in the past might destroy reality as we know it.


Five minutes for my first sin
Five minutes for my second sin

Hello Hivers, it's an amazing day to smile and make wishes, some might not come through but others will.
We all have our dark moments in life, there are many things we wish never happened and we wish we could change. But the truth is that, we always have limitations, and that's how balance is created in life, so, it's a good thing.

In other words, we need to learn from our mistakes.


I made a post 2 months ago about a friend of mine who drowned.

If I could go back to the past, my whole aim would be to prevent such from happening, at least save his life.
I love accepting reality and I think time travel is unrealistic and mere wishful thinking.

Here are my reasons…

These are my personal opinions and I'm open to some constructive arguments.

Time is Linear

Pardon my self propounded theories.
Let me explain.

I said time is Linear because it moves in one direction which is forward. Going back in time is like moving in the opposite direction. Time does not move because of us but we move because of time,so traveling back in time is like turning the hands of time. And it's not just about you, going back in time means everything in the universe has to go back with you so that everything will be the way they were, and everyone including you has to lose the memory of the future which makes going back meaningless.

Time Stoppage

When you travel back in time, who will be living your life in the present you just left.
In other words, the world, the multi-universe will need to be on pause (Time Stoppage) so that when you return it will seem as if nothing happened, but time can't be stopped or pause you know.
The concept of time travel seems like the past is still happening as we speak, so you can just go back. But the past has happened already and can't repeat itself, it's not a movie.(It's not prerecorded)


Everything that is existing is connected, changing one thing will affect the others.

Time and space are connected, so I think no matter how fast you run, you can't go to the past because there's no space for it in the future (or for your future self).

Freewill & Unforeseen occurrences

You might travel the past but still have little or no effects. People will always make the decisions they pleased. Talking to your past self about the future will even destroy the time frame or reality as we know it.
What if you go to the past and die there, what happens to your future, and if your future self is dead how can your past be alive (this doesn't make sense).

There is no future without a past, but there is a past without a future.

You can't go back to a past you have already lived, and you can't go to a future you have never lived.
Time is the rider and we are the passengers.

Thanks for reading 😊😊.

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