Organ Donation;To Donate or Not?

Let me start by saying this: our body is not government property for them to make it mandatory to donate our organs after death. This is a very complex and sensitive issue. Sure! It could save so many lives and alleviate the organ shortage crisis, but it shouldn't be forced on people.
Like I said before now, we are not government properties.
Some people might come for me saying I'm inconsiderate, but pls walk with me;

Donating an organ should be a personal decision and not the government forcing it on people just because they want to save lives. Our body is not government property, so at least we should have a say in whether we want our organs to be donated or not. Most people would opt out because of religious beliefs and so many other factors.
In some countries, the family has to consent before the organ of the deceased is taken out. If they don't consent then there's no organ.
Everyone should have the right to say no to whether they want their organs being taken out after death, and even if they didn't get the chance to do so, then their families should at least have a say.


Like I always say, everything that has an advantage also has a disadvantage. So let's delve into some of the advantages and disadvantages of implementing such a law;


Firstly, there will be increased organ availability. With this, more lives can be saved and people won't have to wait for years before getting a donor or even getting a healthy organ.
Secondly, Having a regulated system where organ donation is a must, would minimize illegal organ trafficking


The first thing that came to my mind when I thought about this was "Abuse".
When there are opportunities like this, people would want to exploit the system for personal gains. ( some people can go as far as killing a patient just for personal gains) with this, organ trafficking is still very much in the picture

Another thing to consider before implementing such a law is culture and religion. Like the Jehovah's Witnesses, we all know they don't donate blood , talk more about donating an organ. Imagine forcing this on them without thinking about their religious beliefs all because you want to save lives.


With that being said;
The first thing the government should do is to create awareness about the benefits and risks of organ donation. Educating people about the benefits and how it could save lives is very important. Another thing is to

Compensate the families of the deceased. Doing so will make people want to willingly donate their organs without holding back. Offering incentives and recognition would encourage people to voluntarily donate their organs.
Imagine being recognized just because you donated your organs.

Yes! Implementing such a law would save thousands of lives, but not everyone wants their organs taken from them. Our body is not government property and we have the right to decide whether or not we want our organs taken after death.

Thanks for stopping by ❤️

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