Veganism - Mission Impossible For A Meat Lover

I saw the prompt and I felt like it isn't for me, I've never tried or ever wanted to be a vegan. It's not that I'm against people who are practicing it, I actually find it fascinating and would encourage them if that's what they want but for me, it's a no. Reasons? Well, I don't know if they can be classified as reasons but I'll share.

The essence of eating is to be healthy and grow well, some would eat to lose weight and some to gain weight but most people eat to gain energy for the day's activities. We can't do without food and so it is a very important aspect of life.

"We are what we eat", "Eat Healthy", "Avoid junks" and a lot of words have been said about food to humans but we still have the choice to make and choose what we want to eat and how we should practice eating healthy. So when people choose to be vegans and focus on only plants to keep healthy, that's totally fine.

And when some decide to do a mixture of plants and animals like myself, it's totally fine too but I'll always be of the opinion that, we can't take too much of whatever we eat as it has always been preached, whatever you do, do it moderately.


Have I attempted being a vegan before? Not really, but I bet it is something I can do. I just haven't thought about going on a streak without meat or any non vegan meals. But it is a sure thing that I won't last long in such an attempt.

I read in some of the entries that one could achieve full healthy meals in practicing veganism. I didn't know that before but even after learning of such, I believe it is same for not being a vegan. There are people practising veganism who are malnourished and I believe it is on their own fault.

To stay healthy, whether as a vegan or not, one must be very intentional about their kind of meals, the nutrients and how to eat them. We all may be eating healthy according to our own knowledge but it could be we are not even close.

So it's important we are careful what we eat rather than feel people who are vegans are eating healthy or not. I'm a huge lover of meat and fish, good thing they have good nutrients although these nutrients are tampered with by man's actions to make profits so it's left for me to decide to combine my meals for a right proportion of nutrients that my body needs.

So we can't say going vegan is a healthier way of living and we can't say same for non vegans. Striking a balance, finding the right nutrients in both practices and not taking any in excess should be our focus. For me, I'm more about finding what tastes delicious and is giving me good proportion of what my body needs.

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