The Remarkable & Life Changing Event To Come


It's only six days into the new year and we're asked to share one event we know would happen this year, that's a really good way to say everyone should be positive about this year. No matter what event we are all looking forward to, we believe it would happen and that is why we share them here to announce their coming during the year.

As for me, I thought a lot about any event I'm looking forward to and one stands out for me which I'll share as the event I'm looking forward to but before that, there are small events I can't wait to see happen.

There's the wedding ceremony of a friend turned family whom I'll be a part of her bridal girls for, a ceremony I will be playing a significant role in and yeah, spending money on haha. So it is one I am looking forward to, I hope and pray it comes to pass and successfully.

There would be more events but let's skip to the main event for this topic... My remarkable & life changing event to come.

And that is, I will be going for my NYSC (National Youth Service Corps) this year hopefully and I am getting all excited about the adventure that awaits with the whole process.


The NYSC experience is one I have always been curious about when I see people go for theirs, at some point, I thought I was going to school just because I wanted to have an experience of the service year that comes after even though I was clueless what really happens to those who go for theirs. The uniform is also one I'm very excited to wear. Then at a point, I felt no excitement about it as my school kept delaying final processes to get me ready for service.

Well, last year ended with some good news from my school pointing the long graduated students to serving this year and I've been feeling excited about it once again. I've got expectations and dreams regarding this event coming up but I won't let it hurt too much if it doesn't go so well as planned.

I believe the whole experience of going to a new place, meeting new people, learning something new and most importantly, finding out more about myself, all that is why I think this event would be a remarkable and life changing one for me.

Of course, I can't tell where I'll be posted to and how well I'll accept it when I get to know but one thing is sure, I want it all to be a whole new experience for me with many firsts to celebrate by the end of it. This event will start this year and won't end this year but it is one event I am looking forward to.

Alongside many other events I can't imagine happening yet as I believe every day comes with it's surprises and dynamics, I am ready and excited to explore this year however it goes with all positivity. Wish me well!

Do share the event you're looking forward to with me or with the community by writing a post, I would be happy to know.

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