Self-love Compliments Over Other Compliments

I'm one of those humans who gets more compliments than insults or abuse, I don't think I've ever had any of those with serious faces and tones... They are mostly said jokingly so I never count them as insults.

But compliments? I get them a lot and those compliments about me and who I am is what matters most to me... They are what I call "Self-love Compliments".

Image is designed here

Compliments are mostly said when one has done something worth praising, sometimes it doesn't require much effort to get a compliment because we're all unique and the usual way you tend to do things may be an amazing way to another so you easily get a compliment from them. But then, self love compliments are different from my point of view.

Getting compliments for being who you are and I think that is the greatest!

Those compliments said about how I look, what I do and how I do the things I do and how I choose to think about some things... All those matters most to me, they are great compliments but there's one special one I'll call the greatest compliment I've had and still having up till date.

Before I share my favourite compliment, I'll share a few others that have helped boost my self love and self acceptance.

You look like a model, Merit


I get this a lot when I decide to take pictures... Or did they mean, I'm photogenic but over exaggerated it to me looking like a model? Lol. Whatever, looking at myself everyday I could tell I'm not putting my body to full use because I really do look a model.

I remember my friend trying to convince me to get a form and start modelling, I'm not sure I'm cut out for that so I'll just stick with the compliments and stay grateful for my body's beauty.

You have a lovely and long hair, Merit


If compliments could make my hair grow by a tiny length, my hair would have been one of the world's longest hair lol... I'm just kidding but to be honest, I've gotten lots of compliments on how good my hair looks. I'll give this to my mum for letting me take this one from her (it's not like I didn't take almost everything from her though haha).

I get this compliment a lot that I tend not to feel excited about it anymore but I never fail to feel grateful that I'm one of those who have a good hair length even though I'm still looking for ways to grow it more so it could look better.

You have a soft and calm voice, Merit


On call, singing, and even shouting angrily... I get this compliment πŸ˜‚ the last time I tried to say some words with more seriousness and add some depth to it, it came out even more calming. Another reason I've been finding it hard to put in more power when I sing.

There was a friend I had back then who would say he gets sleepy and relaxed when he listens to my voice. I know this may sound like an insult or embarrassing but I find it beautiful to be complimented on having such a voice so I'm proud of my voice, it has helped some people in the most little way.

And to my most favourite & greatest compliment which I've decided to share as the last one is the compliments I get for my smile.

Your smile is contagious, Mhizsmiler


I got the nickname, Mhizsmiler from this compliment when a friend shared her thought that she hardly see me get annoyed but instead I make her smile and always remember my smile when she hears a joke. It's funny how I get almost the same compliment about my smile but I always feel excited and happy to hear it again.

I once made a status update on my WhatsApp with a picture of me not smiling, guess what I got as a reaction to the picture.

I can picture your smile on the face and it's beautiful πŸ˜‚

I was like "What?" how do one picture smile on another's face? For the times I try to not smile, I do get compliments like that so I gave up trying not to smile and I just stick to being me... Mhizsmiler.

There are other compliments like I said in my title but these compliments about me and who I am has helped over time to build my self love and confidence which I'm most grateful for.

What compliments do you get most often? Let's get your response in the comment section.

All images and gif used in this post are mine

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