Promoting Fairness In Tax Payment - A Fair Solution

I'm just realizing I've never thought too much about tax payment in my country or even get curious about how it is being paid and what it is paid for. But I do have a few memory of transport workers paying some amount of money to get a ticket for the day's job, I'm guessing that's a kind of tax they pay to work on the government roads and if all works well, the money is used to manage the road better for safety.


Taxes are mandatory fees imposed on salary earners or workers and business people by the Government and used as revenue to provide public infrastructure, services and welfare programs.

Take note of the words "Imposed" and "To Provide". Firstly, these taxes are a must to pay whether the citizens want to or not because if it is left to be a voluntary thing, only a few would pay and things would not run as they should in the country. So it is only right they impose these taxes on citizens but where there would be problem is... "Imposing too much on the citizens and not using the taxes for what it should be used for".

Thanks to this prompt, I had to do a bit of research on what is going on for the rich people of my country and the taxes they pay. Well, the reality is expected and as the image below has shown, the rich people are targeted to grow tax revenues for the country.

Is this right? Is there a better way to go about this?


Let's be truthful here, every citizen do not use the country's infrastructures and services equally even though we all have equal rights. To me, I'll say the rich citizens do make use of these things a lot more than the poor ones do, I could say the average citizens are using just as much as they pay but this isn't a sure saying. I didn't do any calculation, just a speculation.

But even with this in mind, it wouldn't be fair to the rich citizens if their taxes are way too high than the taxes paid by the poor citizens. I've learned that taxes are paid by working citizens, so the amount varies according to salary earned or income. I believe the Government should have a standard balance to how to take these taxes from both level of citizens.

It shouldn't be too high for the rich citizens or too low for the poor citizens, striking a good average that would not make infrastructures and services decline in the country but also be favourable for all citizens.

Would it not be a better solution if these taxes should be fair to every citizen and also do the purpose for which it is collected? I believe the rich citizens who pay more would not find it unfair if they see their money being put to good use. I wouldn't even say it is unfair that the rich ones are paying more but it would be unfair if they pay these taxes just for the Government to pay it into their pockets.

So for me, there should be a quite fair balance (it would be a bit difficult to achieve though) but most importantly, the taxes paid should be reflected on the economy and for the betterment of the country.

First image is AI generated
Screenshot from google


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