Modifiers For Panda-X: A Step Back For Milestones

Pointing out issues or giving ideas to a thorough work should be one of the hardest things to do because that is exactly how I feel trying to find whatever I can out of the Panda-X project. It's not like I'm a Pro with things like this but there is always the user experience and thoughts to share about that experience, so I'll come from that angle for my contribution.

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As the title says, there are just modifiers (partial or minor changes) to what Panda-X has in store. And I hope the team sees it as a quick step back to achieve many more milestones going forward.

I've read a few good suggestions so I don't think I have any better or different one to give but I'll point out a few things I noticed about the website and some critics I think are constructive enough and would be helpful to the project even in the most little way.

I'll love to start by saying, the team has done amazingly well for the project and it is evident by how well it is growing and more people are coming to know about it. The website is easy to navigate as I've said in my past post but there are a few things if added, would make the site even more flawless for users experience.

Maybe this would be helpful only to a few but I'm definitely one of them... A more detailed delegators info for Panda token.


Delegators are a bigger part of the Panda project and I think it would be better to have the chart show what they earn in Panda token too so people like myself would easily see how much people are growing the token on their portfolio. Even if not their total panda token accumulation, a chart showing how much of the token one could earn daily or weekly by delegating would be nice.


I totally love this Discover Blogs feature showing exclusive blogs (Old and featured contents), felt nice to see old blogs I had missed in the community and I'm sure the creators whose contents are featured there would feel special about it, I would! But then, all blog links leads to

I get that a lot of Hive users prefer to use peakD frontend but I think it's best to provide options for viewing each posts to users. There should be,, options, mainly the most used frontend. This would allow users access their chosen blogs with their favourite or logged in frontend.

Another point but I stand to be corrected especially for this one.

I've come to learn that burning activities on a token creates stability even though slowly so I totally appreciate the feature to burn some percentage of the Panda token. It says in the "Fund Allocation System" that 10% is used to buy back and burn PANDA tokens but from the over all burn record of the token on the site, 10% since the launch date should be more than that by now or maybe the site is yet to get updated.

In all, the website is well created and may still with or without these suggestions but I appreciate that the community is given opportunity to have a say on what is done and about to be done.

Images from website was edited using canva
Other images are screenshot from the site


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