Me Versus AI Dominance To The World

I didn't think hard on this topic as I had expected to when I first saw it. I'm not so knowledgeable of what AI is about or what I should expect from it but what I do know is that AI can't take every paying job from humans. The one reason is easy and simple... AI aren't humans!.

There's no amount of technology that can create emotions in AI and humans are emotional.

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Lol I just remembered a movie series I saw some years back where a girl fell in love with an AI who is created to live as a human to secure the real human position in a company. I won't lie, it is really impressive what AI can do and a few movie I've seen with the recent upgrades has wowed me in so many ways.

But the fact still remains, while many humans will lose this earning job because of AI, some would not and I am one of them.

Can AI sing with emotions, expressions and melody?

The answer is no! Except maybe you've found out about an AI that can actually do that and let me know in the comment section. But I doubt that totally because I've once tried to change my voice with an app for a song and I lost all the emotions the song had before the change. I believe no one would enjoy a song that is without feelings, melody and expression in cases of a physical appearance.

I love to sing, I enjoy singing and thanks to Hive, I sing to earn money now. I doubt the music communities will accept AI to come sing covers for them πŸ˜… so yeah, humans (artists) will still be needed. What AI can do will be to generate lyrics maybe, but then again... Humans decide the words they want in their songs, don't they?

So AI got nothing on musicians, song composers and song presenters

Can AI create contents about personal and original experiences?

Curating on Hive, I've come across some articles that aren't originally written by the authors and I can't help but notice how different and less connecting they are than it is with original contents. AI gather information stored in it around the Web and compile to form contents but I write from my head, heart and memory... That makes my article more with the human touch than AI generated articles.

AI would only help boost my reasoning to create original contents but can't take my place in earning with original contents, I am sure of that.

Can AI prepare delicious recipes without the human touch?

I'm not sure you get what I mean. Even if AI would have to prepare a meal that would taste like what you prepared, it needs your contributions to make it happen. It's possible that AI would follow any recipe to create a meal but there's what we call Personal touch or taste that AI can't take over. Even for humans, it's hard to get a meal to be delicious without some secret or special recipe, it is definitely going to be harder for AI.

I love to cook and I can say I do know how to cook well enough even if I may not be the best out there. In a world of AI domination, I'll still earn with my cooking skills.

From what I've shared and some that I may not think of now, I'd say it's Me Versus AI on this one, I'm not going to stop earning with AI trying to take over, I've got three skills I can use to stay on top and for sure, I'll find more ways to earn even better in the presence of AI dominance.


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