Life Flashing Before My Eyes - My Terrifying Story

Share a terrifying story and two incidents came to my mind where I thought I'd really lose my life or sanity. I think it's best I share both since I'm not sure which was most terrifying or I'll say both were terrifying to me equally. You can decide the most terrifying one after reading through.

Maybe being in an area where a robbery incident took place and took some people's lives is more terrifying.

Or maybe almost being hit by a big truck is more terrifying.


Here is what happened in the first story...

I had just moved to my new place in school, a lot of reasons made me choose the area and up till now, I'd say it was one of the best place to live in since I've been living away from home. The house owner came in my first night to confirm that I have settled in and have no complain then went back to his place.

I saw that a lot of the rooms in the hostel haven't been rented out or the occupants are yet to resume, I wanted to feel scared but locking my doors and staying calm inside my room gave me some confidence. That night could have gone smooth for me but I was woken up by a loud bang from a distance I knew wasn't so far.

Another bang again made me realize what I was hearing, a gunshot!

I was lying down on my bed before the bang but I went down on the cold floor out of fear, put my hands on my mouth just so my shaky lips won't be heard if possible 😂 I was so scared that they were definitely coming for me next.

I couldn't sleep through that time until morning but kept praying and in tears that nothing happens to me on my first day in school. Early in the morning, everywhere was supposed to be calm but I could hear people shouting and some talking loudly with almost nothing taken from their words.

The house owner came knocking on my door and asked if I heard the bang last night, I was like "Is it possible not to hear that? I almost peed on myself!" 😂 He explained that it was a cult thing disguised as robbery to take the life of a runaway cult member. It was the first time I heard it in reality that such really happens.

I was assured not to worry since such won't happen again, the house owner was a renowned person in the society and he didn't keep calm about the incident. I don't know how exactly it went but I never had such a scary moment while living there anymore even though I felt a little traumatized for some day in my first week living there.

The other story happened in the early morning of a Sunday

I never believed it until it happened to me that day. Having the feeling not to go out but forcing it anyways and facing a misfortune no matter how little. I had to force myself that morning since it was a time to go worship God even though it was the church I worship with but I was on a visit and was still little.

We had to use about three bike to get to our destination since we were many and going to the same place that morning but the bike I was on with one other person couldn't stop overtaking and being on speed. The worse didn't happen but I can remember very much how terrified I was.

Just when I thought he had slowed down a bit, we all fell down from the bike on a tarred road and a big truck coming from a short distance. I hit my head and back bone to the ground since I was sitting at the back so I couldn't find the strength I needed to stand up immediately or maybe I had concluded the vehicle will come climbing me in just a few seconds.

How I left there to a chemist close by is a thing to be thankful for. I didn't sustain much injury but my life flashing before my eyes at that moment when I fell is one thing I haven't forgotten since it happened.

So tell me, which do you think was more terrifying?


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