He's Unbelievably Kind - An Undeserving Help From A Stranger

It still feels unbelievable for me even while I decide to write this, I had planned to share this later when everything is decided and concluded but this prompt seem to be in a hurry so I'll just share it and stay positive. I've met a lot kind people in my life, I've even counted myself among those who are blessed by God to have only good people around me, people who would always be there for me to help me when I'm in a needy situation.

But never have I ever imagined getting this kind of help too easily but then, I got it from a stranger!

Black, White, Minimal True Friend Quote Instagram Post.jpg
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How it all started still feels super strange but makes me feel happy and grateful over and over, here is what happened...

While I was busy on Hive creating a post, I got a notification from Facebook of a friend request and a direct message from the same person. Usually, I'll just ignore the notification and continue with what I was doing especially when I was putting down an idea of what I had in mind to write. In fact, I had good enough reason to ignore the notification but for some strange reason I still can't understand, I went ahead to accept the request and replied the message of the person.

We chatted on nothing important and one thing I remembered clearly was him saying that, "I am bored at work and just thought I should send you a message since you were online, how are you?" and I replied without acting like I was busy. That was it, he asked about my occupation or school I attend and I told I recently graduated and was blogging online while I wait for service.

He got concerned and asked if I'm interested in doing something offline alongside my online work, I felt it was just him being concerned which wasn't so necessary since he didn't know me and have only started chatting with me that day but I told him that I'm not forcing it but if I did get an offline job opportunity, I'll work.

My dear Hive friends... That was how we got to the stage of submitting CV, getting replies on mails I sent and I'm almost at a level of getting a job offer at a prestigious and well paying company... It's unbelievable, right? It is for me and I'm still finding it hard to believe that everything is going this way just after I replied a complete stranger on Facebook.

To be honest, I'm yet to get the job but even if I don't, I still think this man is a God's sent to me to remind me that there are still good people in this corrupted world. Getting a job in this country entails a lot of bad situations especially the one about women giving their body to get a good position. I actually had that thought but up till when I'm about getting the job, I've not even made a video call with this helper of mine and from the way he talks, I'll be the one to decide to do something for him instead and not him demanding I repay his kindness.

He guides me on how to go about applying for the job, gives me tips and most importantly, he encourages me that I'll get the job... A job that I think I don't deserve but somehow he is saying it is for me already. Is he a human? I asked that question jokingly to my brother some days ago.

He's still like a stranger to me aside that I know his voice well enough now from all the calls on how to go about each steps in getting the job... A stranger is securing a job at a good company for me with all he could possibly do.

That is definitely an undeserving help and will be great change in my life for the better.

Or what do you think?


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