Got Kidnapped! They Freed Me For My Actions

I know you won't believe the story I'm about to tell here, even I can't believe I will actually get to tell such a story one day in my life. I've only heard of stories where people get kidnapped, some are rescued by paying ransom, some got killed in the process and a lot of them are abused in many ways during kidnap.

It's sad that such a crime still happens today, putting lives at risk and making people spend money they didn't plan to spend especially now in these hard times. I thought I'll only hear such thing happen in stories and movies but it happened to me some days ago.

I wish this was a lie but no, it isn't. How am I here writing about my kidnap if they actually kidnapped me? Did you ask? Well, here is the full story of what happened some days ago.


I was going on my normal route to the market so I could get some items mum sent me when a van stopped in front of me with a loud break. Before I could get what was going on in my head, they had wrapped my mouth with a cloth, tied my hands and legs while the van was in a high speed driving to where I couldn't see properly.

Of course, I was scared to death and I was so sure I couldn't stop praying in my mind that nothing bad happens to me. They took my phone to call my emergency number (dad) and from what I could remember in their conversation, dad had to pay a ransom to see me again or else I'll be killed.

That only got me more scared because I knew dad didn't have such an amount of money they were requesting for. I kept shouting and hitting my body against them, they decided to open my mouth to hear what I had to say. Maybe they thought I'll just show them a place I kept a huge sum of money but their thinking was wrong immediately they let my mouth go open.


Come on! Untie my hands too, it's not like I can overpower three men in a moving van! I said, still trying to grasp what was going to happen to me. The men seem a bit surprised by my unexpected confidence and to keep their ego intact, they untied my hands as the van continued to drive away into the lonely road.

So have you guys seen this movie? I immediately felt like talking and I went on and on about random movies I've seen with storylines that didn't make much sense at all since I'm taking only the scary scenes out of them. They were so pissed and I went on to share a family secret that had never existed.

Before that, I started coughing while still sharing the movie stories. The cough went from low to high key and I made sure not to get tired of pretending to have cough.

Do you know the illness "Tuberculosis"? I asked looking sad and still coughing hard... It's a thing that have been spreading in my community and my family got it somehow, mine isn't confirmed yet though. Let's just hope we all in this van won't have it, it's deadly I must say.

The symptoms are very fast to appear and I wonder why I can't stop coughing. Getting kidnapped would even be better than dying of tuberculosis. I stopped talking with this line and kept coughing. All of a sudden, the van stopped and they dropped me in the middle of nowhere and zoomed off.

I found my way back home and I'm here telling the story with the conclusion that this didn't happen, it's just an imagination or should I say, April fool! inspired by prompts Lol

This is my entry for Hive learners and Inleo prompts and you're invited to participate as well.


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