From The Moment They Met, She Lived Differently

She thought she had a perfect family until she came back home to find her mother missing with no questions of her answered by those still in the home. She cried so much but tried to be strong with the hope that her mother will return some day to give a valid reason to why she had left in the first place.

Everyday seemed different from her previous days when her mother was with her but she thought she would be able to live through it just fine without realising she was changing from who she was to who she had no clue of.

With each passing day, the desire to her mother grew and so was her changing attitude.


"My mum promised to take us to an amusement park after school today."
Her fellow classmate said one day.

She didn't want to say anything out of obvious reason for jealous but her class mate asked a question that got her holding back tears that seemed uncontrollable.

"My mum doesn't live with us, she went far away."
She replied still crying her eyes out.

Out of the jealousy turned anger, she went back home throwing tantrums at her dad without thinking of any repercussions or possible punishment. The once silent home became so noisy with neighbours coming in and out asking her dad unnecessary questions.

The result of her action that day was her dad deciding to relocate to a new place where she knew nobody aside her family members to play with. It got harder for her to cope not being with her mum as she had to explain to every new teacher in her school from the start when asked to attend a school occasion with her mum.

"And then, the moment came that she expected less as time went on..."

Being the quiet but destructive type who was trying to be a rebel since her mum left, she had let the attitude get the better part of her so that she refused to mingle with friends around or even let anyone talked to her about their mother.

It was hard for her but it didn't make her give up the hope that she would meet her mother someday, but she never thought it'd be sooner than expected.

A knock came on the door exactly three years later, a woman who looked so much like her mum was standing at the door side.

"Who are you?"
Her younger brother asked.

"It's our mother!"
She replied her brother in between her breath while staring at her mother.

At that moment, her mother burst into tears, another lady who was later revealed to be her aunt also started crying. The house got so quiet with just sobs being heard. She couldn't hold back and so she started crying while she held her brother closed.

After minutes of crying, she is made to listen to all her mother had to say with no gut to ask questions as she had thought she'd have when she meets her mother. After the long talks, she realized she had missed one side of the whole situation.

She began to live differently by treating her father much differently than before, she realized he was more hurt than her for not being able to keep his family as he must have dreamed about. She grew up to be more considerate to others who talk about their mothers and learned to give as much love as she got from her father.

This story is a true life story inspired with this prompt "What single experience most shaped who you are? Describe the experience in a single, vivid scene." for Hive learners community topic.

Image is an AI picture of me

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