Erasing The Disparities In Education System

How time flies and things have changed over time! The way things were done back then may not have been perfect or better and so there's always room for changes to make improvements but with education system in the picture, I can't say the changes have all been much better than it was before.

As a graduate, I have so much to share about my life in the different stages of schooling and from what I see today in school system, there has been way too many changes both for good and for bad.

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I was recently posted to a state to service my country by being a teacher for a year, what I saw and heard when I got there was both surprising and disheartening. Nowadays, the education system isn't just messed up in my country, the students seem to not have reason to see education as the key anymore.

One aspect of education back then that was much better in school and not anymore now is, Examination Preparations were more genuine.

I know there were examination malpractice back then too but I'm sure we will all agree that it is worse now than before. Back then, students were very eager to learn and study for exams to be successful. Parents contributed greatly by sending their kids to extra morale classes and these actions keeps students very active for successful exams.

I can still remember how serious my seat mates were back then, we would listen to teachers attentively during classes and use our lunch breaks to revise what we felt needed more time to be well understood. Setting time for extra and self studies were like a hobby to us and it helped us grow our love for studies while acing our exams.

That habit grew in me till my university days which I'm grateful for but sadly, I can't say same for the students of nowadays and what it would be like even in the coming years. Students now feel so relax a day to their important exams, some would even miss exams with the hope that they will buy results and proceed to the next phase they are after... Too sad!

One aspect of education today that I wish was provided back then too is, Availability of internet and qualified teachers.


Oh how I wish I had better teachers, they were not all that bad but at some point, I wish they didn't lack in the aspects they did. Schools back then would employ anyone so long they could face the students and say something to keep them in class or maybe I was just unlucky to have such. I still learned though, as I didn't rely fully on them.

There were times we got assignments we couldn't get done because of the simple fact that we didn't have access to the internet and my guardians back then would fear that I would use the internet wrongly if given access. But now, students have access to internet anywhere and this has made learning much better especially for those who love to study but lazy to hold a book hehe.

My only suggestion to erase these disparities and provide a better educational system is that the importance of education should be emphasised on and built in the hearts of upcoming students. No matter what they say about education being a scam, we do know the truth that we need education in any form to add for our successful stories.

Let's face it, the education system today won't be the same in years to come but if the importance is stressed on to growing kids, we can hope for a much better future for education.


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