Comfortable, Less Expensive, Easy & Simple Wears

I read @glorydee post about her fashion lifestyle a few minutes ago and I like that I read that before writing this as it reminded me what I always look out for when I think fashion. Fashion is one of those things in life that keep evolving but it's no surprise that the fashion sense of many is becoming worse by every upgrade all in the name of looking fashionable.

As Glory said which many know already, the purpose of dressing is "To cover our nakedness" and even the Bible went further to say we should dress "modestly" we all have our choices so you won't see some living up to these standards.

Well, I'm totally for it and that is reflective on my wardrobe condition as I do take time in choosing the wears I buy but almost never take much time in choosing wears to dress up on when I'm about to go out.

Images are mine and designed here

Is it just me or you also have your wardrobe in your head? Like you know what to wear the next day and the day after. I know exactly why it is like that for me, I buy my wears carefully and I do go through my wardrobe once in a while to sort out the ones needed and the ones I've outgrown or don't find it okay to wear anymore.

So all I'm saying is, I don't waste time in figuring out what to wear but where I do find a little difficulty is "How to wear them" and it becomes a dilemma some days. I know it is just me trying to tune things up a bit or look a little different but with the same kind of wears I usually wear.

I don't wear expensive clothes and it isn't mainly because I can't afford any, it is because I've been opportune to wear some expensive wears and they turn out to always be out of the styles I feel comfortable in, I feel they tell a different story about me that doesn't match with what my life have been telling.

My dressing is my identity and I think I'm obsessed with telling a simple story with them.


I can still remember a time I wanted to look different, extra and belonging when I was invited to a party. I joined the crew of "I don't know what to wear" in front a full and scattered wardrobe. In the end, I went simple and surprisingly, my wears got complimented and I was like "Why did I put that much effort in choosing a wear before?" I laughed at myself and realized that I shouldn't try so hard when my body knows what should cover it already.

There are criteria to what wears should have for them to be the ones for me, they are quite simple and has helped me not only save for other things, it has also helped me build a good fashion lifestyle story for myself. I can still remember the few times I dressed out of the usual and the comments I got on them, it confirmed that people indeed are watching my wears and how I go about them.

For that reason, I don't go for expensive wears. It doesn't mean my wears are cheap but yeah, they are very much affordable. I'm totally attracted to clothings with not so bright colours and doesn't have too much designs, they are mostly comfortable and easy to wear.


I wouldn't spend so much time figuring out what to wear because I have a lot of "easy to wear" dresses that were carefully bought after checking to see they won't make me feel uncomfortable when I'm out. Tell you what! I also have wears that were bought for me as gifts, you can imagine that some aren't in line with what I feel comfortable to wear but since they are gifts, I accept them and those are the ones I try to improvise with to make them simple for me.

It is only on such times I find it hard to figure out what to wear but then, it rarely happens since I have more of what I love to wear. Simple gowns, skirts and blouses, free wears and comfortable shoe wears are my taste and I'm proud of the ones I've bought and have for myself.

The whole point of my fashion sense is "I dress for myself and not for anyone, I love to tell a good and simple story with them". Changing that would mean I got in an expensive, uncomfortable and hard to wear clothings.

All images in this post are mine

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