

Crimes are offenses which are punishable by law. no matter how small a crime is, there is a repercussion for it.

Basically, there are three classes of crimes;

Infractions: these are lower kinds of crimes. They are petty offenses like littering the floor, drinking in public, having a business without proper documents, some traffic violations, etc. This class of crime can be later charged as a misdemeanor or felony. Punishments served could be community service, proper training, etc

Misdemeanors: these are more serious than the infractions but less severe to the felony. Punishments include payment of fine, short term jail, degrading of status, etc. These crimes may include drinking and driving, traffic violations,

Felonie: these are the most serious class of crimes. The punishment ranges from long term imprisonment to death sentencing, to life imprisonment, etc.

Crimes are so rampant now in the youths today that we have to really watch our backs and be careful. Most of these crimes could be committed as a result of poor financial status and the urge to meet the standards of the society.

Also, there is the peer pressure of wanting to belong. This peer pressure could be felt mostly when you hang out with the wrong group, try things out of mere fun as some would call it and then falling too deep it becomes a habit and a lifestyle.

Also, the problem of the high rate of unemployment in the society also contributes greatly to the increase in crimes. This is however a fault that comes from the government. The youths then see some ways which are not right as means to make money in order to meet their needs.

Sometimes, it could be that the conscience of these youth are dead. This results in further crimes and higher crimes.

Most importantly, some of these youths go unpunished due to different reasons ranging from a corrupt government body, to unorganized laws, and then the background of the youths. These could serve as fuel to crimes in the youths of today.

Crimes can not totally be eradicated, however, it can be reduced to a low level. Ensuring that the law is properly enforced and that crimes are effectively punished would go a long way to reducing crimes.

Also, the community as a whole should be involved in correcting the youths when necessary. Do not turn a blind eye to wrong acts no matter how little it might seem.

Educating the youths on the effects of crime is also important. This will give them a higher knowledge as regards the rules and regulations guiding a country.

Jobs should also be created to engage idle youths in a profitable act. When there are enough jobs, crimes will definitely reduce.

We all should also try to engage ourselves in profitable acts, limit crimes by reporting them and ensure our society is safe.

Thank you for reading.

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