Soft Skills; The Game Changer You Need to Land Your Dream Job.

Everyone have something to say to you especially, when you are a fresh graduate, with little or no
experience that will serve as an added advantage to your curriculum vitae and that,makes it more harder to land one's desirable job. I'm a good listener so, I listened to all of their ted talks all the times even though sometimes, they talk amiss.

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Earlier last week a friend was dishing out his fair and unfair share of of his job hunting experiences. I wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying not until, he posed this question to me.
"Dorcas, hope you're considering adding Professional Certificate to your degree"? he asked interrupting what I was doing on his laptop.
Yeah! I am, I sharply raised my head while responding to what I think he wanted to hear. I hope you know all of these aren't so relevant like they portray sha (though), industries, firms, and organisation aren't after the truckload of certificates one has bagged but what you have to offer to them as experiences, which depict some of your soft skills, I added. And this,boils down to the question;

What are Soft Skills?

Soft skills is invariably the opposite of hard skills. They are interpersonal skill,human relation skill or people skill. They are fictitious skill that can not be seen or measured until when it's being demonstrated. Soft skills has to do with individual attributes, their prowess to navigate social situations and proffering solutions to it.
Allow me, digress a bit as we quickly consider the differences between soft skills and hard skills.

Soft SkillsHard Skills
i. Soft skill are sometimes innate abilities of individuals.They can be learned and taught.
ii. They are intangible skills I.e can not be touched like an object or seen.They are tangible skills.
iii. They can't be evaluated or measured until it being demonstrated.They are measurable.
iv. They are put to use in social context.They need no such context to be put to use.
v. Examples of soft skills are, communication skill, interpersonal relation skill, problem solving skill, conflict management skill etcGraphic designing, web programming, writing, video editing among others.

So,what are the soft skill needed to guarantee job success in the job market?

The number one on the list for me is,

  • Good Communication Skill : Funny enough, this skill can now be taught and learnt unlike many years ago. Communication skill has to do with, an individuals ability to pitch ideas, thoughts, opinions, perceptive and sentiments about something to his or her audience, without being misconstrued or misinterpreted. It is a two way flow of information whereby the sender and receptor get to grasp the true view of what's communicated. Ensamples of communication skills and avenue where it can be displayed are;
    • During interviews; The ability to sell yourself out to your recruiter( don't do too much though, don't say you can move mountain when you can't move a mole hill)
    • During a project presentation
    • During workplace conflict.

  • Networking Skill : Do not limit yourself to the horizon of your surrounding or environment. Attend seminars, register for that conference, meet with new people and initiate good conversations by so doing, you are likely to bump into a prospective angel investor, partner or employer.

  • Problem Solving Skill : Corporate world are faced with problems everyday and apparently, they aren't looking to hire an employee who will add to their loads of problems. If there's any organisation you wish to work in, research and get knowledge about their inadequacies and administer solutions to them. Don't wait there, apply for the role and if God will have it,when you're being called in for an interview, pitch in your solution. And, I'll be here waiting for your testimony.


This is my entry for #juneinleo day 17.
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