Newbie Task 1; Cheers To The Blueprint Of My Evidence In Two Months.

In a world where people applauds evidence i.e result over recognising and making uplifting remarks such as "WELDONE" "KEEP IT UP" "YOU GAT THIS" and the likes of these, to people whose years of efforts has yielded nothing more than "WHERE'S THE EVIDENCE".
This has consequently created a pressure to succeed rather than a pleasure to succeed; Success isn't a one way path towards fulfilment hence, you should learn through it process and don't subject yourself to endure it.
Last night, a friend of mine jokingly beseeched me to help him put up a book that narrates all of the hardship he experienced while growing up, guess what i told him? Joel! Keep working hard and smart so as to blow (succeed) more than this, if you don't want your book to only land into the hands of your immediate relatives,who will buy the book out of doing you a favor at the lowest discounted price,i replied him.
Clearly, no one want to read of a half success story .

People often get to stuck,few will rather decide to stop after many attempt of unyielding efforts,little did they know that MOLECULES OF EFFORTS FORMS ATOM OF SUCCESS WHILE SUCCESS NEEDS A YARDSTICK CALLED GOALS THAT WILL BIRTH IT EXISTENCE.
This bring me to these pinned questions that reads;
• What are my goals as a newbie in this space for the next two months?
Sincerely before now, i do not have any outlined goals that would at least give me a sense of direction, motivation and purpose as to what i want to achieve out of this at the end of the day because,i do not want to feel pressured. I guess this saying is true after all "He who fails to plan,plan to fail".
Hence,here's my blueprint for the next two months on Hive, which i think is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound.
•REPUTATION: My reputation is presently at fifty five (55) which I'll work to see it powered up to seventy (70) through consistent posting of content across all communities on hives and engaging in other creator's content
• FOLLOWERS: The few followers that i currently seem to have was earned through relating well to other people's post, I'm going to continue with that and wait to see if that will land me twenty (20) followers in the next couple of months.
•ENGAGEMENT, CONSISTENCY AND HIVE POWER; I'll dedicate time to check out other creator's content everyday, explore different communities on hive and create at least three contents in a week,with such level of involvement that should aid the increment of my hive power to 80HP.
• CURATION: Manually curating content becomes easy when I have more than enough hive power thus, I'll curate post as it lies within my capacity.
Paradventure i ended up not achieving all of these,i sure know that growth would still manage to take it full course. So, cheers to growth which is my evidence!

© Medemausi

The picture is mine.

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